I am very concerned, help needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hummm Can you say Legit Test E amps and legit Pink or Yellow Thai d-bols - Yummm :) I always go for legit Human Grade Vs underground any day.

Hi folks, i currently am in my first injectable steroids cycle, started with d-bol at 30mg ed for 4 weeks along with 500mg of test-e every week.

My big concern is that i am crossing the 5th week and i HAVE NOT NOTICED ANY CHANGES AT ALL!!!!!!!!, i mean no weight gain, no extra strength, no more libido, NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!.

I am using test-t from prosum labs that according to my research are quite good, i eat very well, overload of protein shakes and work out as hard as i can but so far i got may be just a couple of pounds.

What is happening?????????.

I want to tell that this is my first cycle with injectables cause in the last year i have been doing small cycles with d-bol only (6 weeks 40mg ed) with decent gains specially the first one.

I was thinking on double the test dose and try 1000mg a week, would that be ok?

My concern is that if for some reason my body is not reacting as it should what is going to happen when i finish the teste and going for PCT.

I am very sad, please advices.
I would just be patient Sidd , test-e takes 4-5 weeks to really come on , although you should have seen/felt something from the d-bol ......increase your food intake , rest and work-outs and you should start feeling it ......the best is yet to come.....~Bo

As the matter of facts yes i felt that "well being" feeling and increase of appetite with d-bol but other than that nothing really noticeable so far, i am in the middle of my 5th week of test-e and still waiting those 25lbs everyone talks about, well i'll be patient and hopefully i can get a great experience from steroids finallyt
Hummm Can you say Legit Test E amps and legit Pink or Yellow Thai d-bols - Yummm :) I always go for legit Human Grade Vs underground any day.

Well my first cycle with d-bol was the pink one from tahiland, weird changes cuz brought me up like an animal altough experienced a diarrhea for 3 weeks ...lol, at the end got 15lbs.

This time i am using d-bol from medistar, test-e from prosum and provirom from bayer (everything from vvvvvvvvvvvvvvwith good reviews so far), i wish i could get everything human grade from the drugstore but my sources are very limited.

noticeable changes until now:

-4 pounds
-weird sensation over the chest such as when after shaving
-few pimples
-nice sex drive increase
-appetite like a crazy dog
-unfortunately developing weight gain in my face (moon face and double chin) :-(

still waiting for:

-20+lbs of muscle
-that extra strength everyone talks about
-feeling of agressivnes (at least would show me the gear is working)

Let's hope for the best and will wait to see what happens.

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On my 7th week and still no gains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and even worse sleepy all time and no willing to keep working out.
Did you get bloodwork? Ofcourse not. We can't tell you anything because you didn't get bloods. Run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you aren't already. Your thinking too much for one. You can't sit there n wait for 20lbs to appear. Test e has slow steady gains. You don't wake up one day an boom your jacked. If I gain 10lbs on cycle im happt. You expect to much.
He lives in Canada, not the states, he just cant just go get blood levels check for the heck of it.... blood work here in Canada cost $$, your Doctor is not going to give you gama blood work test just for your own curiosity. The said items are not working for him, as he stated numerous times... move on and try another lab.

Did you get bloodwork? Ofcourse not. We can't tell you anything because you didn't get bloods. Run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you aren't already. Your thinking too much for one. You can't sit there n wait for 20lbs to appear. Test e has slow steady gains. You don't wake up one day an boom your jacked. If I gain 10lbs on cycle im happt. You expect to much.
Correct, Canada for that reason can be very difficult. I recall asking for such blood work done and basically got told that it wont happen unless i have probable cause of a illness that could justify it. From the feedback I have received from guys using the Prosum line is that its top quality gear.

With such little information, and a rep of next to nothing this is clearly another botched attempt to slander the Prosum name by other labs from Canada.
So your saying the said guy who is having issues with the line, has alternative motives and is just trying to slander this new lab?

Correct, Canada for that reason can be very difficult. I recall asking for such blood work done and basically got told that it wont happen unless i have probable cause of a illness that could justify it. From the feedback I have received from guys using the Prosum line is that its top quality gear.

With such little information, and a rep of next to nothing this is clearly another botched attempt to slander the Prosum name by other labs from Canada.
I'm not saying for sure, but that's defiantly what it seems like. A member date of May, and only 18 post. Its a common theme, labs signing up under new names just to post negative feedback about gear. Prosum has encounter this on another board, certain people spreading ridiculous rumors about this lab and it its owner. This is a poor tactic to try to stop the growth of the lab. But what these people don't take into account is that a good product such as Prosum will grow, these tactics can only slow the growth of the lab. People demand quality gear, at a fair price. once the ball is rolling it is inevitable that a brand will grow because the market demands the best possible product, which what the Prosum line is all about.
The same could be said for you since you are a rep for them no? Not taking a stance either way just observing this notion.
Your absolutely right, I am a rep and certain reps will boast they're product even if just oil in a bottle. But reps like that die off quickly. I have had about 10 years experience in the industry. One thing I have learned is that people that push under dosed gear die off quite quickly. The feedback I received initally from the Prosum line basically made up my mind to be a rep for them. Great gear, plus the owner is extremely business oriented and understands that a quality product is the foundation for any business.

The fact that Sidd232 has so little rep, has been on the board for such a short amount of time, has such a little amount of experience with gear and i have made a few attempts to contact him to help resolve the situation, points to what I was saying in my earlier posts.
Dude, you have to hang in there and be patient... the key to gaining muscle mass is a combination of working out, rest, proper diet,etc. I've been bodybuilding for over 20 yrs., with and w/o gear, and I can tell you that if you take what you weigh, multiply that Xs 1.5, thats how much protein you should be eating over the course of your training days. And thats just for starters... Of course having reliable gear helps out tremendously, but you have to take where you are, (I'm guessing you're not a beginner, maybe middle of the road and ready to kick it up a few notches) and remember its diet, rest, gear, proper attitude, AND patience that wins the race... if you're 200 lbs. and working out seriously, your protein intake should be 350-375 grams of protein/day, etc. Hang in there, and remember Rome wasn't built in a day... good luck
so whats the final grade for prosum?? really interested in finding out if its quality juice or what..