I beleive I am ready for a cycle. If you seriously know about this help me out


New member
Alright guys, I got a few questions but first I will give you all a little introduction about myself so hopefully an expert on this subject can help me by knowing a little bit about me and I will post a picture of myself to show you what I look like.

First off I have been lifting for a solid 5 years now and I am all natural. The first reason why I started lifting is because I quit boxing when I was 21 and I missed being physical so I picked up lifting/bodybuilding. I was an amateur boxer with a record of 32-4-2 and my trainer and my father both wanted me to turn pro and I was so sick of it because I would spend 5 days a week trained 52 weeks a year since I was 7 years old and to make a long story short I just quit the sport. I boxed at 125 lbs. and my normal weight was 132 lbs roughly.

When I first started I was 5'9" 132 lbs and 5 years later/now I am still 5'9" and 165 lbs. I consume 400 grams of protein a day and about roughly 5000 calories.. I am what most people like to call a hard gainer. I love to grow but I am afraid this is as big as I will get because my genes say so. I am in school for exercise physiology so I am educated on the subject but not educated when it comes to "supplementation"/Juice.

Here is what I look like:View attachment 549244View attachment 549245
Ok so now that you know what I look like and a little bit about me I have some questions.

I want to go right to an injectable cycle because it doesn't have to pass through your liver and kidney in a damaging manner. I have never taken any before so please know exactly what you are talking about before you reply to me because I wanna live a long life without injury if you know what I am talking about. I do not know how many weeks I need or what brand or what kind. All I have is this website where I can buy whatever from whatever brand. It looks legit and my buddy who plays D-1NCAA football gets his stuff from here but I don't think he knows what he is talking about because he is not a hard gainer like myself.

So if anyone could help me I just want to start off baseline to see how my body reacts to the first cycle and then go from there.

Someone please help. Just tell me what I need the dosage and the weeks and I can handle it from there.
I was wondering the same thing, but with a little bit more expansion in the answer. Is there anything to take along with the 1st cycle, to keep the body as healthy as possible? Maybe any supplements.. Also, is there any specific post cycle therapy (pct) products that would be ideal for a first/beginner's cycle?
Read the stickys. First cycle advice is going to be the same for everybody. No point posting it again here when u can read it a thousand times over with a quick search.
I'm not going to listen to the 900 different cycles and 880 of them have probably no idea what they are talking about. I would like to thank you for helping me out. Coming to a forum with a question must not have been my best choice to find out because obviously no one wants to help because " this question has been answered a million times" eat shit

This is where I started looking stuff...

But for first cycle it is recommended take only test (400-600 mg per week) for 12ish weeks and remember to have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT! Really important. Depends also on your body do you need arimidex on the cycle too, so you won't be growing bitch tits or having mood swings like 13 yo girl.

Better to search here than listen anybody in real life. I almost made my life's hugest mistake by listening some guy from irl... Luckily I did a lot research here and realized that he his knowledge was soooo frickin wrong I would end up crying with my non working noodle...
oh jonnie. I sneeze more broads then you ever could. I probably look alot better too. "Jonnie187" whose the tool here? You thought it would be cool to put '187' in your name because what to show other people that your hard?? You arent I fuck bitches like you. For christ sakes u would never even be able to see me
brother you're in good shape, you can easily take a standard beginner cycle and rock it

we can post it hear but its best you just read the massive newbie thread and decide what you can get access too

test C or E between 400 and 600 mg a week split does
aromasin or Dex daily dose to be determined
PCT of the standard nolva and clomid as defined in the PCT guilds and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if you have acess to it

you will get thick as a brick
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oh jonnie. I sneeze more broads then you ever could. I probably look alot better too. "Jonnie187" whose the tool here? You thought it would be cool to put '187' in your name because what to show other people that your hard?? You arent I fuck bitches like you. For christ sakes u would never even be able to see me

Listen, there is no need for you to come in here talking smack mother fucker. We get enough of you shit stains on a daily basis! You asked for help, you got an answer that you didn't like. Go cry a fucking river.
All you need to do is read the fucking stickies and all your answers are there! But No, you want your answer served on a sliver platter! Aint gunna happen.
That is the problem with you young turds today. You are too dam lazy to do any work yourself. If you think you are gunna make any friends here talking like that to us, you have another thing coming.

You are the one that really has no good source for your goods, you are the one that don't have a clue what to do. Not us.
I would like to thank the guys that took time to answer me seriously. I apologize for not knowing to read the stickys. As for JM, I didn't start that Jonnie did. I am the one who started this thread and I could do without the bullshit comments like yours and Jonnies. I am so sorry I am not as educated as you on the subject. Also I don't expect to be handed anything. I put in HARD HARD work everyday. I work 10 hours everyday in my career and still find time to balance a girlfriend and an hour and a half in the gym. Why don't you get off your high horses and actually answer someone who has a problem instead of trying to make people feel like shit, luckily I know have great confidence and know that what you think means nothing to anyone, but in your mind you think its the most brilliant input in the world. I dislike you and if you would do me the favor just leave because you obviously are not making this any easier or better.
I would like to thank the guys that took time to answer me seriously. I apologize for not knowing to read the stickys. As for JM, I didn't start that Jonnie did. I am the one who started this thread and I could do without the bullshit comments like yours and Jonnies. I am so sorry I am not as educated as you on the subject. Also I don't expect to be handed anything. I put in HARD HARD work everyday. I work 10 hours everyday in my career and still find time to balance a girlfriend and an hour and a half in the gym. Why don't you get off your high horses and actually answer someone who has a problem instead of trying to make people feel like shit, luckily I know have great confidence and know that what you think means nothing to anyone, but in your mind you think its the most brilliant input in the world. I dislike you and if you would do me the favor just leave because you obviously are not making this any easier or better.

You didn't start it?
How bout this here that you said before anyone got pissy at you. I even highlighted your words in RED.

I'm not going to listen to the 900 different cycles and 880 of them have probably no idea what they are talking about. I would like to thank you for helping me out. Coming to a forum with a question must not have been my best choice to find out because obviously no one wants to help because " this question has been answered a million times" eat shit

You came on here with an attitude. You came in the forum insulting a lot of my Brothers intelligence by saying that you only wanted to hear responses from people who actually know what they are talking about not from ppl that didn't know what they were talking about ect....
You don't know a fucking thing about AAS and come in here demanding answers?? How bout this. You eat shit mother fucker.
Go pro I have a real fast question. How much more do I need to grow before I am ready?? I am 25 and I am losing intesity in the gym and I have been the same weight roughly for the past year
sorry mate but if you react in that manor to a few harsh words on here i dont think you would be able to control yourself when your body is full of testosterone you look good anyway maybe steroids arnt the way forward for you at least try to control your anger first
You are so original man I don't even know how to explain it. Go try to impress some high school kids at the gym or something instead of being that guy on the forum where 9 times out of 10 people say shit they wouldn't normally say in person. So please take your comments way away from mine. Im not fighting with you through text like a child would. Fuck this whole mother fuckin site. It is like pulling teeth to get some answers from people, if i seen a question where i knew the answer to I would gladly answer it. You absolutely do not see me on this site butting in on shit I dont know anything about. I literally did what I was suppose to do and posted a thread telling a little bit about myself, asked questions and then posted pictures to back up what I was talking about. Then we people saying crap that I simply did not ask at first because they didn't want to give an answer but they had the time to say " Read the stickys. First cycle advice is going to be the same for everybody. No point posting it again here when u can read it a thousand times over with a quick search." If that was the question I wanted answered then I would have asked it. Why put those two cents in when that doesn't get me anywhere. If you knew anything, everyones body is different and one type of steroid might not be best for a smaller guy and one who is already cut up. So that why I posted my pictures and gave my story. EVERYONE GET OVER YOURSELVES, YOU ARE NOT THAT GOOD AT ANYTHING BECAUSE NO ONE HAS HEARD OF YOU. NOW IF YOU ARE FAMOUS FOR YOUR BODY BUILDING OR WEIGHT LIFTING ABLILTY THEN YOU COULD TALK CRAP BUT UNTIL THEN, PLEASE GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND GET A REAL FUCKIN LIFE. THIS IS WHY I NEVER FUCKED WITH THESE BULLSHIT THREADS BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE SO GOD DAMN SELF INDULGED AND AREN'T REALLY HELPING ANYONE. LIKE I SAID, I'M SORRY IM NOT AS EDUCATED ON STEROIDS AS EVERY SCHOLOR ON THIS SITE. SORRY MATE BUT IM NOT GETTING MAD, I JUST SWEAR. I HONESTLY DO NOT GET MAD OVER STUPID TEXT. I JUST TELL YOU WHAT IS ON MY MIND WHEN PEOPLE ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL AND AMAZING, YOU KNOW KINDA LIKE THE ALMIGHTY JM750 WHO CALLS YOU ALL HIS BROTHERS WHEN HE HAS ONLY BEEN A MEMBER SINCE JANUARY OF 2013. HE KNEW YOU ALL FOR 3 MONTHS AND HE IS REALLY CALLING YOU ALL HIS BROTHERS. HE MUST HAVE A LOT OF FRIENDS. GOOD BYE IM GOING TO GO BACK TO MY VERY GOOD JOB AND FUCK THIS WHOLE FORUM BULLSHIT (I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THOSE GUYS WHO WERE KIND ENOUGH TO HAVE SOME MANNERS AND ANSWER MY QUESTION WITH THE RESPECT I ASKED IT IN. HERE'S TO YOU TELEPHONE TOUGH GUY.:wackit:
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You write way too much u little faggot I only glimpsed at ur words and came to the conclusion your a little biatch lol
You don't even know how to type a fucking paragraph! What happened? Too many stiff jabs to your head? Fucking dumb ass. This is not the only board I am on, so I have brothers in many places. Go cry to someone who actually cares. You didn't like the answers you got and your cunt started to flap. I may have only joined this site 2 months ago, but I got a fuck of a lot more friends on here then you do.
And I'm also no stranger to any forum. You obviously have no forum etiquette skills.

You think coming on here and shooting your mouth off is going to get you somewhere? No one is going to listen to your whiney ass bitch shit. So take your box of tampons and the rest of your sorry piece of shit attitude, and don't let the door slam you on the way out. Faggot.
Have a nice day.