I brewed this test prop at 160/ml


Hello guys, i brewed test P at 160mg/ml. I used:
35% BB
0.5% BA
Rest mct oil.
The problem is this one hurts unreal. I have brewed this powder before at 70mg/ml with 15% BB and it is good product, not much pain. I now wanted to reduce the amount of oil per inj.
I have only baked it for 10 mins at 130 celsius, i usually do it for a longer time.
So i have two options:
A)either bake it more, to better dissolve that test p in oil.
B)cut it with mct oil and make it to 100mg/ml.
The first one i dont know if its gonna work though but im gonna try it.
Anything else i could do?
Hello guys, i brewed test P at 160mg/ml. I used:
35% BB
0.5% BA
Rest mct oil.
The problem is this one hurts unreal. I have brewed this powder before at 70mg/ml with 15% BB and it is good product, not much pain.

Hey mate,

The pain could be due to the high BB% and the high concentration at 160mg/ml.
If you don't mind the pain and want to keep this solution from crashing, my suggestion is to heat it using a microwave oven for around 2 minutes or as long as it takes to dissolve the hormone. Then, wait for about a day and see if the solution crashes. When it crashes, reheat again using the same method. Based on my experience, after several reheatings, the hormone would no longer crash, and it would still be potent.