I call BS

Okay so the 500 is doable. I'll stay at 250 and 300 for less injection site issues.

I still say fuck 500 and the bathtub fuck pushing his product on kids.
Okay so the 500 is doable. I'll stay at 250 and 300 for less injection site issues.

I still say fuck 500 and the bathtub fuck pushing his product on kids.

I think it comes down to common sense.

To me 250 seems the most sensible. But I also am a firm believer in all things in moderation. So 250 twice a week is perfect with rotating sites.
Totally with you Zero V. Too many guys doing too much gear for now reason. I run so low on mgs I am called a sissy........look at me and look at at them.....fuck 'em.

Its the if a little is good a little more is better mentality. This only applys to PUDDY

Remember when joining the stinky gym and training there for months just to get "in" and get some juice? Now these guys click and have the shit in a week.

The internet "I want it now" generation is upon us. The whole gym is on gear before they know how to eat and train.

Good to be an Old Fart :)
Remember when joining the stinky gym and training there for months just to get "in" and get some juice? Now these guys click and have the shit in a week.

The internet "I want it now" generation is upon us. The whole gym is on gear before they know how to eat and train.

Good to be an Old Fart :)

I wouldnt say im old but i get what your saying about the young cats or just a newbie to the iron.

They dont respect the game of long hours and years of deads,squats,OHP,bench,dip. Instead they do machines and take 100g protein per day and think they got it down. LOL!!!
Nobody is making TRUE 500 and selling it!!! Now there may be some freak somewhere making it, and pinning it, but not selling it!!! Too many solvents or too much solvent required that more than half of people would be having reactions to that their rep for unsterile gear or bad brewed gear or whatever would have them shut down. Not to mention it's not really cost effective. NOBODY will pay double the price for 500 than 250. So it's counter productive. Plus, I don't know one guy that can handle the pain that accompanies 500......
Sort of a moot point that anyone professing 500 is telling the truth!!!

I personally use no more than 400mg a week of the test I make and build more muscle and look better than ANY of my bros using 750 and 600 etc...
At some point the receptors shut down with tooooo high of doses!!!
I wouldnt say im old but i get what your saying about the young cats or just a newbie to the iron.

They dont respect the game of long hours and years of deads,squats,OHP,bench,dip. Instead they do machines and take 100g protein per day and think they got it down. LOL!!!

Was a time when all I could get was three meals a day due to my situation. 100g protein meals were a MFer but that's what I did.

100g a day poops are over now.....lol