I don't get it I do 5-6 weight sessions a week with sets 3-4 reps 8-20 and 2-4 excercises per muscle group.
I do about 3 20min crossfit sessions a week
I do one 8-15km endurance pack march 20-30kg pack a week
And I run once or twice a week 2.4-8km
Breakfast: 6:30am
4 poached eggs
2 multigrain pieces of toast
200g baked beans.
Glass orange juice
Coffee (no sugar)
5g creatine
5g creatine
40g protein shake (10g carbs)
220g baked beans
Stir fry or curry with rice
And plenty of all vegetables
5g creatine
5g creatine
5g creatine
40g protein shake
Steak and veg or casserole but no carbs
(eg potato or rice or bread)
So tell me with all my training I'm doing for special forces why am I still bulky?
I'm 19 at 213lbs, bf unshaw I'm not a ft cunt but i just look bulky with no abdominal definition... Everyone comments on how good I look and big and shit but I still want to be a bit more cut bit even with the amount of training I do and diet is fairly reasonable..
Sorry for ramboling on but I just need some advice on why I don't cut up?.. I'm thinking about clenbuterol (last resort)
I do about 3 20min crossfit sessions a week
I do one 8-15km endurance pack march 20-30kg pack a week
And I run once or twice a week 2.4-8km
Breakfast: 6:30am
4 poached eggs
2 multigrain pieces of toast
200g baked beans.
Glass orange juice
Coffee (no sugar)
5g creatine
5g creatine
40g protein shake (10g carbs)
220g baked beans
Stir fry or curry with rice
And plenty of all vegetables
5g creatine
5g creatine
5g creatine
40g protein shake
Steak and veg or casserole but no carbs
(eg potato or rice or bread)
So tell me with all my training I'm doing for special forces why am I still bulky?
I'm 19 at 213lbs, bf unshaw I'm not a ft cunt but i just look bulky with no abdominal definition... Everyone comments on how good I look and big and shit but I still want to be a bit more cut bit even with the amount of training I do and diet is fairly reasonable..
Sorry for ramboling on but I just need some advice on why I don't cut up?.. I'm thinking about clenbuterol (last resort)