I don't want to aggravate Male Pattern Baldness, no hair loss.....

I am once again interested in doing a cycle and I am looking for the best gear for growth without the hair loss side effects.

Furthermore, would using propecia or any of the other DHT blocking products assist me with preventing hair loss while on a cycle?
I thought propecia was working but I got to post cycle therapy (pct) and I seem to be losing a lot more hair. You might try and Eq only cycle
dht blocking agents should help, but everyone is different and you may just be one of the unfortunate ones with really hungry dht receptors.

eq is much easier on the hair line than other substances with strong androgenic properties (like test).
Propecia is evil - can give you gyne...just try rogaine, it increases blood flow to scalp making hair thicker, less likely to fall out, and it will re-grow your hair...you'll have MORE hair instead of just maintaining what you got

...i know about both medications first hand
Joesmith said:
Trying a cycle, Losing hair, Bigger muscles, Losing hair.

Decisions! Decisions ! Decisions!

im already heading to the bald state anyways, so i dont care about it no more. cant stop the inevitable
shaved heads look good on some people anyway...

...some people it looks stupid, it happens to look stupid on me, which blows

...but if it looks alright on you, just shave it...would be so much easier
everyone looks stupid when they first shave their head. its just the shock of seeing yourself bald and of seeing your scalp 6 or 7 shades lighter than the rest of your face. shaving also makes your ears look bigger because there is no hair to cover them. big deal. you get used to it pretty fast.