I eat ALOT of eggs before bed! GOOD or BAD?


New member
I really need to learn my nutrition shit! I mean, I take a whey protein shake and oatmeal upon waking, however, I dont know what I should eat before bed....

IE: ALOT of calories or no? Carbs or no?

I have been eating 4 scrambled eggs, milk, turkey bacon, and a spoon of PB, bout 400-500 cals I believe.
Sounds like more than 500 calories, but if it works for you it works.

You've got to get your calories in somehow, right?

During the day time I probably eat 3500-4000 calories, and if I happen to wake up mid-night, I'll probably consume another 1000 calories.

Eat big to get big.

Are you trying to cut or are you trying to bulk?

If you're bulking I'd say, it's all good. Those are all clean foods. If you're cutting, probably a no-no.
depends on what your goals are. are you having the yolks too? I'm confused is this what your eating before bed or for breakfest instead of a shake?
Sounds good to me. Body will build and repair while sleeping better than any other time.

Hell....I may grab me a couple carts of eggs and scramble a few up before bed.

Sounds like more than 500 calories, but if it works for you it works.

You've got to get your calories in somehow, right?

During the day time I probably eat 3500-4000 calories, and if I happen to wake up mid-night, I'll probably consume another 1000 calories.

Eat big to get big.

Are you trying to cut or are you trying to bulk?

If you're bulking I'd say, it's all good. Those are all clean foods. If you're cutting, probably a no-no.

Yea, well each egg has 70 calories, turkey bacon is 35 per slice, milk is 80 per cup. So shit, Im bad at math roughly 500:spin:

But yea, I just started my first test e cycle, so trying to get BIG but dont wanna get fat. It took my forever to cut down to what I am at now. 12%

I thought it was a good choice due to the low carb at night, while getting some slower digesting protein.
eggs are not a good idea before bed....

eggs run through ur system pretty quickly... so lets say 3-4hrs

do u sleep for just 3-4hrs??? or do u sleep for 7-10hrs like the average person???

what do u think happens to ur body after the 4th hour and it needs energy, amino acids, and the such to repair itself?? catabolism......

instead of eating a fast digesting protein.. eat a slow digesting one...

beef is king here... lean beef... london broil/roast beef 93% lean ground beef etc... add some good efa's to that and u have the perfect bedtime meal.. beef takes over 12hrs to digest... this means a steady flow of amino acids and energy to your body WHEN IT NEEDS IT MOST!!!!!

u can also use casein before bed if beef is too expensive for you... though it will always take 2nd place to beef
]beef is king here... lean beef... london broil/roast beef 93% lean ground beef etc...

At the super markets there is regular ground beef, lean ground beef, and extra lean ground beef. May sound like a stupid question but I am assuming I would want to by the extra lean? I am on a keto diet, so the higher fat would be better, but if this would help repair my muscles the best I'll switch to extra lean and just eat more almonds.
i agree with 3j... eggs even with the yolk are the fast absorbing protein... Cottage cheese + pb + oatmeal
Sounds good to me. Body will build and repair while sleeping better than any other time.

Hell....I may grab me a couple carts of eggs and scramble a few up before bed.


true. i eat 4 eggs before bed when i'm in bulking diet, or at least caseinate of acalcium proteine.
i just finished a 5 egg omlete made with avacados, green peppers, cottage cheese and albacore tuna. yummy! tell me thats not a good bedtime meal....
i like to eat a meal about an hour before bed. and then right before bed is casien shake. then sometimes if i wake up 4 to 5 hours into sleep i will drink another one
eggs are not a good idea before bed....

eggs run through ur system pretty quickly... so lets say 3-4hrs

do u sleep for just 3-4hrs??? or do u sleep for 7-10hrs like the average person???

what do u think happens to ur body after the 4th hour and it needs energy, amino acids, and the such to repair itself?? catabolism......

instead of eating a fast digesting protein.. eat a slow digesting one...

beef is king here... lean beef... london broil/roast beef 93% lean ground beef etc... add some good efa's to that and u have the perfect bedtime meal.. beef takes over 12hrs to digest... this means a steady flow of amino acids and energy to your body WHEN IT NEEDS IT MOST!!!!!

u can also use casein before bed if beef is too expensive for you... though it will always take 2nd place to beef

I thought the primary protein in eggs was casein? Still agree with beef before bed though.
Wow so interesting to see people on here that wake up in the night hungry. That has happened to me sometimes and all my friends make me feel like a freak. I also def need to eat before bed, have trouble falling asleep otherwise. I do generally try to avoid higher glycemic carbs and go for the proteins more. Your meal doesn't sound too bad if you are trying to bulk to me.