I fucking hate fucking injecting

looks like you have some bad luck there!

How do you choose you injection sites (do you follow a method?)
What size needle you using??

I stick in the leg, never bleeds...There is A LOT of blood vessles in your ass...Chances are your gonna hit something....And who know's if your gettin right into the muscle...Find pics of injection sites online, flex your leg and find where the biggest part of the muscle is...I shot my ass, but it's too fukin hard...Plus you cant see what you doin....

Im takin tren as well...I had that feeling happen to me in my chest...It nerves...I shot one time and was feeling anxious, and I got that airy fellin in my chest...Burned a little (acid refulx..)
THan theres your answer...DOnt shoot in your ass...You might know what your doin, but it's VERY obvious to everyone that you did something wrong...

We're just tryin to help you...I'm not sure what answer your lookin for??

Sympathy?? Ok, dam kid, you lost your hole shot ... what a waste of juice..
Perfection Awaits said:
i dont tell anyone of my use of steroids. And even if i did, i wouldnt trust anyone with my injections except a few people on this board.

I also like injecting myself because then u know if u hit a nerve and things like that

Stop shootin in your ass...Your not gettin a straight shot...Use your head, or keep wastin your juice.
That's why I never do glutes ... just too hard for me.. Last time I tried was last year and did so while looking in a mirrow to aspirate and thet even fucked me up more as everything is opposite, LOL. I was bending and twisting the thing , had it halfway out at one point ... I didn't get a knot or bleed like you did but it was sore.

I only do Test and Tren E twice a week anyway so both quads and both delts are more than enough. Shooting glutes is just to much contortion for me.
Perfection Awaits said:
It was then i realized my body has grown too much and become too tight that i couldnt use 2 hands. So i somehow managed to aspirate, granted i dont even wana know how much the needle was moving.

I have never been able to use 2 hands into the glute
I sometimes have problems with the pin moving around but I try to stay at the same depth as I am changing from a one handed aspirating grip to injection grip. I know this is an elementary question but are you using a smaller needle like a 23 or a 25 and do you change the needle after drawing?
Comeon people, i do around 6-8 shots a day nearing contest prep. Your technique will improve soon enough, i barely even feel anything nowadays. Oh and learn to use 25-26g pins, most oils will still flow through those.
nice pics lol.. does it always feel crunchy and like cardboard wen you shoot in your ass? because i have had that b4 too but its mainly cuz im going threw scar tissue. i wouldnt really be concerned about the blood, sumtimes you bleed more then others.. its the risk you take wen you stick a sharp object into your body lol. good luck with your shots in the future.