I heard ....


New member
That LFC is coming out with their own Anavar (var) hopefully within the next few weeks. (I hope this isn't old news!)
They are coming out with it, I have already had my guy put aside 1000 tabs for me. between that and the masteron that they also just put out, I will be one chisled mother for my show....
JohnnyB said:
What mg are they?


i'm not sure, I just know that they have the raw materials so the tabs will be out soon, I would guess 5mg though. I'll post up prices as soon as my guys hears
needsize said:
i'm not sure, I just know that they have the raw materials so the tabs will be out soon, I would guess 5mg though. I'll post up prices as soon as my guys hears

I asked one of my guys and he said that he wasn't sure of the price yet. Hopefully they are not too expensive, my gf wants to give them a try.
needsize said:
i'm not sure, I just know that they have the raw materials so the tabs will be out soon, I would guess 5mg though. I'll post up prices as soon as my guys hears
Thanks Bro
