I knocked up 2 virgingirls in 1 week!!!!

haha lol at thread,

they are virgins, what the fuck do they know. They are just paranoid.

Your safe
CaptainAwesome said:
you banged indian chicks? did they smell like curry? did they have hairy assholes?

Yes very hairy asshole, there was some shit sticking out
her asshole but it didn't bother me.
It made me even more horny. :) :toilet:
For a group that spends a LOT of time lookin at pussy, Some of you sure are clueless about it aren't you? And in the age of the goddamn internet. I mean, sure its easy to get distracted when you try search for sex ed on the net, but with a little persistance, you might actually learn something for fucks sake. IMO - never fuck ANY girl who's ass is hairier than yours.