You can't buy ephedrine in the US at GNC or a vitamin store, it is banned. I bought it yesterday though at my local Rite-Aide store, any Walgreens or CVS I'm sure has it but you need to get it from the pharmacist.
Look for a medicine called Bronkaide, if you look on the back it has 25mg of ephedrine.
They had a card for it on the shelf, and you take that card and bring it to the pharmacist, they will then get it for you, they also take down your license because they monitor how much you buy. I am not sure what the limit is though. I got mine yesterday for $7.50, it has 24 tablets in it.
I bought Caffeine pills, called NODOZ, it was like $7.99 and it has 60 tablets. I then got children's aspirin, it was a 3-pack of 36 tablets, so 108 total, for like $4.99.
You should take 25mg of the ephedrine, 200mg of the caffeine, and 81mg of aspirin.
I just started and I am only taking it 1x daily in the morning. After a week I will probably bump it up to 2x daily. Some guys take it 3x daily but I don't think I would be able to sleep if I were taking it later in the day.
Everyone cycles it differently, I talked to one guy who was doing 3 days on, 1 day off, but for the most part from what I have read most people seem to do it 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Which is what I am planning on doing.
I took it today for the first time and went for a nice long run and felt great during it, I sweated about 5x as much it seemed and had lots of energy even when my legs were already very sore from run the other day.
I did have a hard time stomaching my breakfast though so that might take some getting used to. Hope this helps.