I screwed up... can i recover... please help me.


New member
I'm going to try and keep this short. Please i am severely depressed at the moment and i have no idea what to do... i cannot think straight anymore. Please do not flame me, i was stupid I know... I just need help.

I'm 23 years old..210lbs 9%bf.
I was 262lbs at 30+%bf, and did an entire body recomp in about 2 years. (NOT HEALTHY I KNOW)

I've been pinning test blend 500mg/wk for 12weeks or so down to 150mg/wk for 10 months now.

I want to get off...and get my life back to normal if possible.I could never afford to go to an endo ( I have no idea how much it could cost either, so im just assuming) and i'm horrified by the stories people say about how they mess with their hormons, low libido, etc.

Is there ANY way i could recover from such a cycle and escape testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? (not like i could go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) anyway right? i'm 23) I have a girlfriend too, so id love to be able to keep my libido if possible (EXTREMELY worried about ed, lack of interest, etc... when coming off)

And if there is.. how the heck do i go about doing it...

Any help would be much appreciated.. i don't know what to do anymore..

I forgot to mention... I have only 5000ius of HCG(cannot get more), i'm waiting to receive an order i placed for Torem, Arimi, tamox, and Cial(For my libido when coming off)

would that be enough to help me recover? Or should i honestly just get off the gear, deal with the low t for a few months and go for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (Not like i'd be able to anyway... no way a doctors going to help me because of my AAS usage..)
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This is your ticket to get off and not shrink away. Makes gains without gear. What your whole post is about. Read what you write.

Stay on it then. There are great Sponsers on here. Take advantage of them.

I want to get off...and get my life back to normal if possible

Bro I think you need to read what he wrote! It's about recovering his Natty test levels!
Alright thanks for the responses everyone.. really appreciate it.

Is my 5000iu of hcg enough to do a proper pct (when all the other meds come in...) or do i imperatively need more?
I will not source for hcg, so please don't think i am... i need this forum for help, cant afford to get booted.

i wouldn't know where to even look, but googles my friend i guess hah... that's why i ask if what i have is enough.. i dont want to risk trying to get more online if i don't have to. (I got it from the person i got my gear from, but he can no longer acquire anything)
Lots of guys get off and recover fine even without a proper post cycle therapy (pct). Sure, you'll feel like shit for a few weeks and probably lose your gains, but you'll bounce back. Get some cialis or Viagra to mask your libido issues until you recover. Try not to go back to your old ways of a terrible diet that made you fat to begin with... :)
Lots of guys get off and recover fine even without a proper post cycle therapy (pct). Sure, you'll feel like shit for a few weeks and probably lose your gains, but you'll bounce back. Get some cialis or Viagra to mask your libido issues until you recover. Try not to go back to your old ways of a terrible diet that made you fat to begin with... :)

:shoot3:............meaning good post Shovel
Dame sorry to hear that .pct and get the blood work done then the vets hear can point u out to the right direction
My question about 5000ius hcg being enough for pct still stands... but i have one more..

Will cialis really help my libido when i come off? (Like will it make me want to have sex, or just help with ed...)

Pardon my ignorance..

.. so i take that it will help lmfao
Sure. Lighten up broski.
5000iu is about half of what you need for an end of cycle blast, but try 500iu Ed for 10 days and then start your SERM for 5 weeks. After eight weeks you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.
My question about 5000ius hcg being enough for pct still stands... but i have one more..

Will cialis really help my libido when i come off? (Like will it make me want to have sex, or just help with ed...)

Pardon my ignorance..

ED only and it give u a nasty fucking headache the next day fuck that shit
Shovel said:
Sure. Lighten up broski.
5000iu is about half of what you need for an end of cycle blast, but try 500iu Ed for 10 days and then start your SERM for 5 weeks. After eight weeks you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks a lot man, really easing my mind!!! You guys are ******* great!

ED only and it give u a nasty fucking headache the next day fuck that shit

What would you recommend instead?
I am a noob and cant give you advice about your PCT at this time since I dont know much about it myself.

But what I do know is you seem very worried and I feel for you.

You need to know it will get better and everything will work out.

Try not to worry. If you worry to much you will get bad anxiety and that can play tricks with your head. Not saying you will get an anxiety attack or become depressed or anything. But try and realize everything will work out because it will.

From being on this site for a short period of time I have already noticed that there are many experienced people on here who know their stuff and can help you through whatever you are going through so listen to them and know they will lead you in the correct direction.

Their suggestion for blood tests is a great idea. I am going to try and get one before my cycle... half way through and then after my PCT to see how everything compares. I know there are internet tests you can buy if you dont want to get a doctor to order the tests for you. I think after you buy it you can take it to a lab yourself to get your blood tested.

good luck
I am a noob and cant give you advice about your PCT at this time since I dont know much about it myself.

But what I do know is you seem very worried and I feel for you.

You need to know it will get better and everything will work out.

Try not to worry. If you worry to much you will get bad anxiety and that can play tricks with your head. Not saying you will get an anxiety attack or become depressed or anything. But try and realize everything will work out because it will.

From being on this site for a short period of time I have already noticed that there are many experienced people on here who know their stuff and can help you through whatever you are going through so listen to them and know they will lead you in the correct direction.

Their suggestion for blood tests is a great idea. I am going to try and get one before my cycle... half way through and then after my PCT to see how everything compares. I know there are internet tests you can buy if you dont want to get a doctor to order the tests for you. I think after you buy it you can take it to a lab yourself to get your blood tested.

good luck

^^^ right there bud... and btw amazing post,