I started gear at 20 and now i am bashing myself


New member
I am now 21, been on for about a year

only took a 2 month break, decided to blast and cruise

now i am coming off finally after good advice from our vets

i know what i did was stupid, and i can't stop bashing myself. I know whats done is done, but i keep telling myself i should have stayed natural, i would have lived longer, i would have had high natural test still and so on.

Maybe its all the hormones dropping in my system since i am no longer pinning

but i am dying mentally, i keep bashing myself for my past decisions and i don't know what to do :(

any tips?
Have you done bloodwork to see what your levels are? If your test is low maybe try a restart and stay off the pins
The past is just that, the past. Learn from it, and do not repeat mistakes. As you're sorting things out and getting your body and mind back in order, focus on the future. You're 21, and have an entire life ahead of you.
Mate just calm down, these are the female hormones talking. PCT is gonna be one hell of a ride, but try to think simpel and question yourself: Am i making sense?
Don't make yourself crazy, just wait for the blood results. No reason to stress for things that are uncertain. You are young and have a better chance at recovery then let's say a 40 year old.
Some times in life we have to live with the decisions we make my friend. The worst out come is you go on TRT get legit pharma grade testosterone and have sky high levels of testosterone for life. It is not going to cut your life short. You might need to continue to eat healthy and monitor your blood work more than the normal guy. But their are plusses to all this. I mean if you do go on TRT think about it when everyone else has low declining levels you will have high levels of testosterone and maintain a better physique that the other people that are your age through out life.

It is not all bad. The best advice I can give you is realize you are doing everything in your power to do what is right and that at this point all you can do is wait it out. Stressing about it all will honestly accomplish nothing. You need to block out those thoughts no matter how hard it is. All of us at steroidology will always be here to answer any questions you have and to help you. So your not alone in all this we got your back and will always be their to help.

Don't dwell on the negative try to think about the positive stuff. Trust me man I know how it feels to fuck up and make bad decisions. And I have realized that at a certain point you got to forgive your self and let it go and realize you are trying your hardest to make your wrongs rights. Just don't let your self get depressed don't dwell on the bad. It is a choice. It might be hard to snap out of depression but it is possible. Fake it tell you make it as some would say just put on a smile and try to be positive.
Some times in life we have to live with the decisions we make my friend. The worst out come is you go on TRT get legit pharma grade testosterone and have sky high levels of testosterone for life. It is not going to cut your life short. You might need to continue to eat healthy and monitor your blood work more than the normal guy. But their are plusses to all this. I mean if you do go on TRT think about it when everyone else has low declining levels you will have high levels of testosterone and maintain a better physique that the other people that are your age through out life.

It is not all bad. The best advice I can give you is realize you are doing everything in your power to do what is right and that at this point all you can do is wait it out. Stressing about it all will honestly accomplish nothing. You need to block out those thoughts no matter how hard it is. All of us at steroidology will always be here to answer any questions you have and to help you. So your not alone in all this we got your back and will always be their to help.

Don't dwell on the negative try to think about the positive stuff. Trust me man I know how it feels to fuck up and make bad decisions. And I have realized that at a certain point you got to forgive your self and let it go and realize you are trying your hardest to make your wrongs rights. Just don't let your self get depressed don't dwell on the bad. It is a choice. It might be hard to snap out of depression but it is possible. Fake it tell you make it as some would say just put on a smile and try to be positive.

Do you have blood work? What are your levels right now? i'm assuming you don't have pre-cycle blood work. I was going to say exactly what mad-scientist said. If you have shitty T levels, you can qualify for TRT, or even do it yourself. Then you can have beast test levels forever, or until you run out of T :D
You aren't necessarily screwed, it sounds like you aren't done PCT yet so try to take it easy & see what your bloodwork looks like afterwards. 21 is pretty young, so I'm optimistic on your behalf; if my body was still punishing me for the mistakes I made in my early 20s I'd either be in a psych ward or dead by now.
sounds like it with the way you're whining. man up dude.

A while ago one of the admins said if you don't want to help some one with their question just don't comment on the thread. I know you are a smart guy Gram and probably have a lot of good advice you can offer Sad panda.
well my point is that whining isnt gonna get this dude anywhere. his estrogen is probably sky high and he's acting like a woman. he didnt even tell us what he took, how long he took it, when he last pinned, what his pct consisted of, how long its been since pct....nothing. what kind of "tips" does he want?
Just curious what made you decide trt wasnt for you? If it wasnt for me wanting to have kids in the next 2-3 years id already be self prescribing.
21 year olds are pretty resilient. There is actually a post around here with a study about a couple of professional bodybuilders that were guinea pigs for a study on restart protocols. One guy was a heavy user or nor-typ AAS. Both found significant success.

Edit: The restart protocol took about 30-45 days.

Found it for you:

Yes Yes Yes^^^ Follow that religiously and good fucking luck