I want to experiment with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) myself, temporarily.

Cashout, you are awesome. That's exactly the kind of helpful and insightful reply I was hoping for. Thank you.

I appreciate your experiences with the other drugs mentioned, especially Finasteride. The older males in my family all have MPB, so it's definitely something I'm looking at.

Is there much of a difference between test E and C with respect to what's recommended for HRT?

Unfortunately it doesn't look like the bloodwork I had done tested my estrogen levels. I may need to have that done.

Just like you said, I want to experiment until I find the levels where I feel best, and where I'm safe. I'm just trying to find a good baseline to start from instead of jumping in uneducated. Your post was very helpful. Thanks again.
Cashout, you are awesome. That's exactly the kind of helpful and insightful reply I was hoping for. Thank you.

I appreciate your experiences with the other drugs mentioned, especially Finasteride. The older males in my family all have MPB, so it's definitely something I'm looking at.

Is there much of a difference between test E and C with respect to what's recommended for HRT?

Unfortunately it doesn't look like the bloodwork I had done tested my estrogen levels. I may need to have that done.

Just like you said, I want to experiment until I find the levels where I feel best, and where I'm safe. I'm just trying to find a good baseline to start from instead of jumping in uneducated. Your post was very helpful. Thanks again.

E and C are interchangeable - no real difference.

Glad to help. Hope things improve for you on all fronts.
OP, please don't listen to ignorant people like BigHuge. Cashout has a lot of knowledge here obviously. I say if your quality of life sucks and you can do something to make it better go for it. People do have chemical imbalances and other issues. I know because I am one of them. My total T was 268 at age 22 and i've been on all kinds of anti-depressants for a chemical imbalance since the age of 12. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has been a lifesaver for me. And i've been through a lot of shit in my life and I am not weak because I take a medication for a chemical imbalance. BigHuge grow up and get the fuck off this board if your going to come on here and try to kick someone when theyre down. Your presence here is not helping anyone.
Again not kicking, u r mistaken, I don't believe in depression, it is a state of mind, chemical balances raise and lower depending on activities u take part in also, I.e. sex raises endorphins, endorphins make u happy, if u at home feeling bad got yourself pretty sure it ain't raising ur endorphins....u know what, I'm the bad guy, so what, fuck it, u all be pc and tell him what u think will help, and when he didn't feel any better cause he changed nothing in his life but a chemical imbalance then what?
Post ur stats.

I want to see if you're the typical socially awkward roid-monkey you sound like. Judging by your 280+ posts in a month I would venture to guess you are. Take your winning personality off these boards and work on getting laid. Sex raises your endorphins.
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Again not kicking, u r mistaken, I don't believe in depression, it is a state of mind, chemical balances raise and lower depending on activities u take part in also, I.e. sex raises endorphins, endorphins make u happy, if u at home feeling bad got yourself pretty sure it ain't raising ur endorphins....u know what, I'm the bad guy, so what, fuck it, u all be pc and tell him what u think will help, and when he didn't feel any better cause he changed nothing in his life but a chemical imbalance then what?

I absolutley agree in lifestyle changes along with medication if needed. Yes if you don't address issues in your life and just take a pill to make you feel better its not going to work. But if you do have a chemical imblance or low T, medication can help. There are thousands of doctors that disagree with your opinion.
Thanks MeatHead. I'm glad to hear testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has done a lot for you. I'm hoping I have a similar experience.

Pinner, I put my stats in another post, but here we go.

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160
Age: 25

I'm not sure about my BF, but I estimate it to be around 10-12%
Thanks MeatHead. I'm glad to hear testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has done a lot for you. I'm hoping I have a similar experience.

Pinner, I put my stats in another post, but here we go.

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160
Age: 25

I'm not sure about my BF, but I estimate it to be around 10-12%

Dude, I was asking Mr. Personality to post his stats after his attempt at judging you by your stature.

I have suffered from depression most of my life. However, I've been able to build a business, build a house, get married, and live a little. You are going to have to try and get your shit together with or without help. I never liked SSRIs. They would cause lethargy, mania, weight gain, but they also worked now and then. Although I'm flying the Maximus banner, I don't recommend testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as a first resort. There is a LOT of responsibility that comes with it. At the same time, it has made a world of difference. I'm off all other medications and feel great. It's not a band-aid for self-loathing and laziness though. Sometimes it feels impossible to take that first step towards self improvement. You've got to do it. A pill or shot MAY help but you still have to take responsibility for your choices and actions. Good luck. You'll figure it out.
6'4" 275 not socially awkward at all, I'm an asshole online our in real life, getting laid isn't a problem for me, and as far s my posts, I'm at work, at a FULL TIME job, on here to start aware of and voice my opinion just like yourself, as far as the thousands of doctors, I personally wouldn't say something to hurt my business, put it this way, for how many decades did people get along fine without anti depressants? I agree with lineguy on one thing, they don't treat depression, if anything they hurt it because it zombifies u, makes u a shell of the person u could be, lifestyle changes should always be ur first form of medication, but nowadays people run to the medicine cabinet instead of looking in that mirror. I stand firm on what I believe, and anyone using my name, screen or otherwise, I will reply
Dude, I was asking Mr. Personality to post his stats after his attempt at judging you by your stature.

I have suffered from depression most of my life. However, I've been able to build a business, build a house, get married, and live a little. You are going to have to try and get your shit together with or without help. I never liked SSRIs. They would cause lethargy, mania, weight gain, but they also worked now and then. Although I'm flying the Maximus banner, I don't recommend testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as a first resort. There is a LOT of responsibility that comes with it. At the same time, it has made a world of difference. I'm off all other medications and feel great. It's not a band-aid for self-loathing and laziness though. Sometimes it feels impossible to take that first step towards self improvement. You've got to do it. A pill or shot MAY help but you still have to take responsibility for your choices and actions. Good luck. You'll figure it out.

What I said in a nicer way
Ah, my bad. I didn't get the impression that he was trying to be condescending to me about my size.

I work my ass off trying to support the life that I want. I have a family, I'm starting my own company, etc.

I'm not looking for a magic pill that's going to turn me into a millionaire overnight. I am looking for something that will help me feel better. I don't think that's too much to hope for.
Wasn't being condescending about ur size, he didn't understand that, u have a family? And u can't take joy in that? From what I understand "Major Depression" and people who "suffer" from it are basically unmotivated and can achieve nothing due to their dehabilitating.depression, thought u were out of work though?

How were you not being condescending? Based on your posts, you clearly associate physical stats with personality traits.

Congrats on your FULL TIME JOB. I'm a business OWNER though. I don't have time to piss away in front of a computer playing douche-patrol. I've got a lot bigger issues than data-entry.
Neither do I, I work in steel, wasn't commenting on ur job, u seem to take offense on behalf on someone I an not trying to insult, but if u wanna play captain go ahead, and again wasn't being condescending, was stereotyping, two different thing s, figured since he mentioned his teens he was a skinny kid with few friends, I may be right on more than one account, really don't give a fuck about ur business, u can do whatever u desire, was referring to him not working because his temporary employment is out of work till september, and I know its hard to get a job, believe me I know, but if I can anyone can.
Go to a different doctor, do not self-medicate. If she's really really persistent on the 280 level as her cutoff, then perhaps induce shutdown on your own?
However, the fact that she refuses to treat you based on a number rather than symptoms throws up TONS of red flags.

Just wondering how somebody would be able to induce shutdown of their own testosterone?
As far as I know, sleep deprivation will lower your test. Some people stay up all night before getting tested so they can get Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). I actually considered that, but I accidentally fell asleep on the couch and slept till morning.

There is some evidence that a diet that's high in soy will lower your test as well, although I've heard arguments against that as well.

Stress can lower your test, but I'm not sure that you can make a substantial difference by simply stressing yourself out.

Other than that, using a lot of testosterone will kill your natural production too.

I agree sleep depreviation and stress play a huge part in my opinion, I think thats what got me where I am now. I may be good at what I do for a living but the price I had to pay (from all the stress and lack of sleep from overthinking) was definately not worth it.
Anyways back to your concern, If you decide not to do Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) your self, what you can try is taking a small dose of melatonin at night to help you sleep as we have sleep patterns because of low T and it makes depression worse. Also try some natural things like tribulus to help boost your natural T untill you can afford to see chip. Thats what I am doing to help me feel better untill I have opportunity to talk to chip (I am just wating on my blood work and physical so I can send it to him next week untill then i dont think he can do anything). Other experts in these forums may have a better opinion as they are more experienced.
I hope you do find a way out and feel better! Keep your head up
My .02. I think doctors are quick to dish out antidepressants today because they treat the symptom not the cause. With that being said I believe that depression is a legitimate medical condition. If someone is truly suffering from depression it is not something they can "man up" and get over. To me that's as stupid as telling someone to suck it up and raise their testosterone levels. In each case there may be holistic steps that can be done to help each but like everything else, it doesn't work for everyone.

I suffered from depression and it sucks. I have had a pretty good life but still was depressed. On days you feel really down it sucks, and on days you feel pretty good it sucks because you know that crash is around the corner. Antidepressants turned me into a zombie, fewer lows but a lot fewer highs as well. Now I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and I'm off antidepressants. Why do I think that is? Because the cause of my depression was low Testosterone so now instead of treating the symptom I'm treating the cause. This won't work for everyone, but it did for me.

Lineguy - you need to do more reading. I don't suggest self medicating but if you read enough here and other boards you can basically figure out what a basic protocol would be. Your first question about injecting once per week tells me you haven't researched enough.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion but that doesn't mean they're right.