Identifying my Body Type and how Big to Expect -- 6'5, 255 lb. (pics)


New member
I know this is probably the wrong area to be posting this question, but I just needed a little guidance on my journey and I wanted to go straight to the professionals for the best response.

My interest in body building started about 4 years ago when I was sitting in a waiting room. I was talking to this guy and his girlfriend, and out of the blue dude was like, "Hey, you know you should be lifting weights right? I'm a personal trainer, and with your height and mesomorph body type you could get swole as f--k". That planted a seed in my mind that I have been starting to water.

I am 6'5 and current weight is 255 lb. I finally started working out when I had to go to jail for a probation violation and ended up doing about 18 months. I worked out vigorously on a 6 day split for about 12 of those months (water bag, push up variations, dips, squats, shoulder press, all those innovative jail methods) and developed a decent frame. When I got out I continued for about a month or so, then I started my business and quit for about 5. Now that things are less chaotic I am back on my routine. I still do not have a gym membership which I will be getting this week, but I have a free weight set, weight bench and barbell in my garage that I have been getting by with. I push myself each time, and I love this lifestyle. Still love pushups, even tho with my size they were never easy.

Only question is, having never been fully evaluated by a PT aside from that waiting room, I want to know my body type -- links to pictures are below this paragraph. Am I a mesomorph? I have read the traits and put a check next to big head, broad shoulders, and most of the others except being thin. I am pretty fat now but I was always in good shape up until after high school when I started eating whatever I wanted when I wanted while not working out at all. More sugar and fat on a daily basis than any one person should consume. Now, at 255 and 6'5, I have worked hard to build my strength but need to shed the excess fat to see the muscles I can feel underneath.

With my body type, can I expect to get much bigger naturally by simply working my ass off at the gym on a structured routine? What % bigger than I am now would you estimate I could expect to become?

Also, what is good for the damn stretch marks I am starting to get on my shoulder? lol. Hate them. And now I am trying to diet to lose about 1.5 lb a week (MyFitnessPal app says I can consume 2850 calories a day to do this with my age, height, weight and activity level). I do not want to lose any lean mass while I diet, and if possible I would like to manage my micro-nutrients to allow me to lose weight while possibly adding to my bulk. I was looking into this plan:

Any recommendations for my goals at this stage, advice is much needed. Also, do I really need to be consuming 255g of Protein a day to gain? Seems almost excessive, but I will do it if it is what needs to be done. I have a nice tub of Myofusion, AST Micronized Creatine Monohydrate, multi-vitamins and glucosamine is on its way.

Advice for losing weight while keeping gains / adding to them would be great. Thanks for tolerating my noob post, I hope to look back on this one and laugh within the next couple of years. :)
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body types are a myth... i have not read your whole post because its long..
I too haven't read all of your post but put it this way, I had a look at your pics and here is my take.

You have a good shaped frame, broadish shoulders etc. If I was you I would look at doing a drastic cut, then bulk up. Your frame + muscle would look good.

Not in a gay way either man...
The problem is you would not have good size if you lost body fat. you are probably somewhere around 35% or better. Are you motivated and dedicated that is the question. Sky is the limit. You could without gear change your appearance 100%. your muscles are not defined or sizable, you look like what you would expect someone to look like that eats like shit and doesn't lift. Just being real. Count Macros, lift, sleep. Repeat for 6 months and you will have completely changed your physique and the way you feel. Guarenteed. BTW don't worry about losing body mass on a diet you have none to lose. what you have is with you naturally for life.
The problem is you would not have good size if you lost body fat. you are probably somewhere around 35% or better. Are you motivated and dedicated that is the question. Sky is the limit. You could without gear change your appearance 100%. your muscles are not defined or sizable, you look like what you would expect someone to look like that eats like shit and doesn't lift. Just being real. Count Macros, lift, sleep. Repeat for 6 months and you will have completely changed your physique and the way you feel. Guarenteed. BTW don't worry about losing body mass on a diet you have none to lose. what you have is with you naturally for life.

We all start at the bottom. He would have much better results doing a drastic cut, then trying to focus on putting muscle on. As a begginer, he will be able to pack on some strength and size even whilst cutting... Seen it happen first hand many times.
You can build a substantial amount of muscle if you work your ass off. Focus on diet and training until you have a good base to work off of. Cheers mat
We all start at the bottom. He would have much better results doing a drastic cut, then trying to focus on putting muscle on. As a begginer, he will be able to pack on some strength and size even whilst cutting... Seen it happen first hand many times.
I understand, I was not trying to be negative towards him. I agree with the cut and build to an extent but the focus right now should be strength so he has the ability to lift a little heavier. Dieting is the hardest part of the whole deal so if he can find motivation in his strength training and over all motivation in the gym then he might be a little more prone to being successful on the dieting aspect. i to am 6'5' but I'm an ectomorph so i have the opposite problem as him. I guess in a nutshell I'm trying to say i don't think he has spent much time in a gym setting and if he starts a lifestyle in the gym "even without dieting down" that his body composition will change. If he ate at least clean without trying to get crazy.