If hatin' is your occupation...

hang in there man, it may only be a internet forum, but you know everyone here is here for you.

yeah thanks bros, all things happen for a greater good imo, def going through some changes around the house, haha but its all good. Thanks fellaz for being so cool. This is just a forum, but there's dudes on here are that are like family. Btw, not rying to sound all emo, must be the clomid talking haha.

And snigg, bro my bad, dont mean to sabotage ur thread. Hope u get back on it and achieve and crush your personal goals.
Damn! u and me both bro, I had to cut short also. I whent through a very difficult death of a loved one, couldn't eat, sleep, or lift. I am now a single full time father of a 4 yo. Unexpected shit happens.

I got another one lined up for middle of may though. 12 weeks of Sustanon (sust) 325, EQ 200 and 300, and also thinking of starting it off with 4-5 weeks of Test prop @ 75mg ed. or anavar. still debating over what to use as a kickstarter.

yea i lost my grandfather while i was on cycle too, that was difficult. sorry to hear about your loss bro!

as for coming off cycle, i definitely noticed a difference but it wasnt bad. I ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from week 3 until a bout 4 days before my post cycle therapy (pct) so im sure that helped. just finished my post cycle therapy (pct) on thursday and i feel back to normal. sex drive is back, balls are nice and full, and just all around feel better and like i have more energy. the first two weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) i felt kinda weak and down, didnt feel like lifting or doing much.

im looking to do just another test E cycle for 12 or 14 weeks. possibly kick start it with some prop, but id like to keep it simple and keep my fingers crossed that i can take full advantage of my next cycle.
yea i lost my grandfather while i was on cycle too, that was difficult. sorry to hear about your loss bro!

as for coming off cycle, i definitely noticed a difference but it wasnt bad. I ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from week 3 until a bout 4 days before my pct so im sure that helped. just finished my pct on thursday and i feel back to normal. sex drive is back, balls are nice and full, and just all around feel better and like i have more energy. the first two weeks of pct i felt kinda weak and down, didnt feel like lifting or doing much.

im looking to do just another test E cycle for 12 or 14 weeks. possibly kick start it with some prop, but id like to keep it simple and keep my fingers crossed that i can take full advantage of my next cycle.

I know man, first couple weeks sucked, but i kinda cheated too, on the days i couldn't force myself to go to the gym i'd take like 2omg of Dbol 15 minutes before workout and that would usually do the trick.

I dont hear too many people talking about using prop as a kickstart but i really want to try it. I plan on running

week 1-5 Test prop 75mg ed
1-12 Sustaplex 325 @ 650mg wk
1-12 EQ 200/300 (dif brands) 600mg wk