If hatin' is your occupation...

dude my gym has 125's. my old gym(ballys) has 95's. i was repping the 110's for sets before i started my cycle! i might jump on the dumbbells today and see what it's hitting for :) wtf are you gonna do with 75's...30 rep sets? lol
haha i was out of the gym for like 4-5 months from aug-dec because i was finishing up my last semester of college so i lost some strength, but over the past 4-5 weeks i've been hitting the gym hard. back in my senior year of high school i was repping 100's..i think the gym had 110's but it stopped there. but now im done college i signed up at a new place and the highest is 75's. i do 3x10 real slow, particularly during eccentric contractions..its not the best, but it works...a little

i use the 60 lb. db's for flat bench flies which i love. probobaly my favorite exercise.
DB flat bench
45lbs x 12 warmup
80lbs x 8 warmup
115lbs x 8
120lbs x 8
120lbs x 7

barbbell incline bench
135lbs x 10 warmup
185lbs x 5 warmup
225lbs x 8
225lbs x 8
205lbs x 6
didnt feel as strong on these today. probably because i did them after flat bench

weighted dips leaning forward chest emphasis
bw x 8 warmup
bw plus 90lbs x 8
bw plus 90lbs x 8
bw plus 90lbs x 8
didnt feel as strong on these either. also was experiencing some left shoulder pain

lying cable flies
40lbs x 10
50lbs x 10
50lbs x 10
40lbs x 10
40lbs x 10
nice and slow and deep stretch at bottom.

overall i felt OK. my diet hasnt been enough lately and i know it. I really need to eat more, just had some stuff oging on that threw me off schedule.

pinned my right quad tonight. 250mg test E AMBROWAVE. this shit is as smooth as your girls ass, no pain during/after/next day after injection. finished up my first vial and need to get another vial on order so i can extend this cycle to 12 weeks instead of 10. also injecting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu's every day i inject my test.
sled hack squats(superset with seated calves)
8 reps x 70lbs each side(warmup)
8 reps x 160lbs each side
8 reps x 160lbs each side
8 reps x 160lbs each side

seated calves
90lbs x 15 warmup
135lbs x 12 reps nice and slow
135lbs x 12 reps nice and slow
135lbs x 12 reps nice and slow

straight leg dead lifts
135lbs x 6 warmup
225lbs x 8
275lbs x 6
took it easy just to see how my back would feel doing these. felt good so ill probably bring them back into my leg routine from here on out.

leg press,
3 wheels each side x 8 warmup
6 wheels plus 25lbs each side(590lbs) x 6 reps
590lbs x 6 reps

BB walking lunge
95lbs for about 12-15 steps
95lbs for about 12-15 steps

standing hamstring curl
30lbs x 8 reps each leg warmup
60lbs x 10 reps
60lbs x 10 reps

leg extension
50lbs x 10 warmup
single leg
70lbs x 10
70lbs x 10
70lbs x 10

standing calves
135lbs x 10
135lbs x 10
135lbs x 10

was a bit tired today and didnt have a great workout. still felt kinda strong.
close grip bench
135lbs x 8 warmup
185lbs x 6 warmup
240lbs x 8 like peanuts
240lbs x 8
240lbs x 7

skull crusher superset with hammer curls
skull crushers - ez curl bar plus 40lbs x 8 warmup
ez curl plus 70lbs x 8
ez curl plus 70lbs x 8
ez curl plus 70lbs x 8

hammer curls
35lbs x 8 warmup
60lbs x 8
60lbs x 8
60lbs x 8

seated bicep curl hammer strength machine
80lbs x 8
80lbs x 8
80lbs x 8

weighted dips
bw plus 45lbs x 6 warmup
bw plus 100lbs x 8
bw plus 100lbs x 8
bw plus 100lbs x 7

straight bb curls
20lbs on each side x 8
20lbs on each side x 8

v bar pushdowns
150lbs x 10
160lbs x 10
160lbs x 10

standing bicep curl between cables
40lbs x 10
40lbs x 10
40lbs x 10

felt strong today. killing it on close grip! i notice im getting a few looks at the gym recently, so maybe im getting bigger. i know im staying fucking lean :)
appreciate the comments bros. pic makes my chest look like a real weak point but it really isnt. upperbody is pretty balance in my opinion...just gotta get the wheels up to par...they are coming along slowly, but im definitely giving them hell :)
appreciate the comments bros. pic makes my chest look like a real weak point but it really isnt. upperbody is pretty balance in my opinion...just gotta get the wheels up to par...they are coming along slowly, but im definitely giving them hell :)

my legs are a bitch too, just takes time.

If you dont mind, how old are you? Not to get all gay but Id be pretty content if I was where your at physique wise
25. thanks bro, i want about 10-15more lean pounds and ill be happy. i gotta step my diet up and really take in the calories for the rest of my cycle and i might get there.
dumbbell rows
50lbs x 8 warmup
80lbs x 8 warmup
125lbs x 8
125lbs x 8
125lbs x 6

close grip v bar rows(lay barbell on ground)
2 wheels x 10 warmup
4 plates plus 20lbs x 6reps
4 plates plus 20lbs x 6reps
4 plates plus 20lbs x 6reps

wide grip pull ups
bodyweight x 6 warmup
bw plus 55lbs x 8 reps
bw plus 60lbs x 8 reps
bw plus 60lbs x 6 reps

hammer strength iso-lateral row
2 plates/side x 6 warmup
3 plates per side x 6 reps
3 plates per side x 6 reps
3 plates per side x 6 reps

close grip cable pull downs
135lbs x 6 warmup
175lbs x 8
180lbs x 8

did some ab work as well.

also pinned my left quad this morning. didnt have a chance too last night so i did it this morning. halfway through week 5 and i feel great. sex drive is high, feeling strong in the gym, however my weight has leveled out. gotta keep eating!!
Nice pics man! You're really pushing it! Keep it up, with your attitude, diet, and training I am sure you can achieve the 10-15 more lbs you want!
went up and hit my delts and traps today. bad workout, not even gonna post it. didnt feel good and i gotta rest my left shoulder. ive been getting some pain in that shoulder the last week or so and it's getting worse so im gonna take it easy on the overheard pressing.
well i skipped the gym yesterday, had a new girl come over the past two nights and she wore me out. im kinda pissed at myself for skipping the gym, but id rather skip then go have a shitty workout and feel down. got lots of rest last night and just had a great leg workout today. i also pinned the right quad yesterday as scheduled, 250mg of AMBROWAVE, still smooth as your girls ass.

leg extensions 2 sets with like 70-90lbs to get some blood going in the legs

sled hack squats(superset with seated calves)
8 reps x 90lbs each side(warmup)
8 reps x 170lbs each side
8 reps x 170lbs each side
8 reps x 170lbs each side

seated calves
90lbs x 15 warmup
160lbs x 12 reps nice and slow
160lbs x 12 reps nice and slow
160lbs x 12 reps nice and slow

straight leg dead lifts
135lbs x 6 warmup
225lbs x 6
275lbs x 8
275lbs x 8
275lbs x 8

did calf extensions on leg press between my SLDL sets, 410lbs x 12 for 3 sets

leg extension
50lbs x 10 warmup
single leg
80lbs x 10
80lbs x 10
80lbs x 10

standing hamstring curl superset with standing calves
30lbs x 8 reps each leg warmup
70lbs x 8 reps
70lbs x 8 reps
70lbs x 8

standing calves
150lbs x 10
150lbs x 10
150lbs x 10

felt great tonight. felt very strong in the gym and had tons of energy. was recovering very quickly between sets as well. i think this is week 6 so that test is probably kicking in very nice. tomorrow ill do chest, arms thursday, back friday and delts/traps saturday. gotta stop letting women derail my cycle, although my sex drive is pretty high so it's tough. LOL
this was from last night. felt pretty good

DB flat bench
45lbs x 12 warmup
80lbs x 8 warmup
120lbs x 8
120lbs x 8
120lbs x 6

DB incline bench
45lbs x 10 warmup
105's x 8
105's x 8
100's x 6

weighted dips leaning forward chest emphasis
bw x 8 warmup
bw plus 100lbs x 8
bw plus 115lbs x 6
bw plus 115lbs x 6

lying cable flies
40lbs x 10
50lbs x 10
50lbs x 10
40lbs x 10
40lbs x 10
nice and slow and deep stretch at bottom.