If hatin' is your occupation...

close grip bench
135lbs x 8 warmup
185lbs x 6 warmup
245lbs x 8
245lbs x 7
245lbs x 6

skull crusher superset with hammer curls
skull crushers - ez curl bar plus 40lbs x 8 warmup
ez curl plus 75lbs x 8
ez curl plus 75lbs x 8
ez curl plus 75lbs x 8

hammer curls
35lbs x 8 warmup
65lbs x 8
65lbs x 8
65lbs x 8

seated bicep curl hammer strength machine
90lbs x 8
90lbs x 8
90lbs x 8

v bar pushdowns
160lbs x 10
160lbs x 10
160lbs x 10
rope pull downs
120lbs x 8
120lbs x 8

standing db curl
50lbs x 8
50lbs x 8
50lbs x 8

pinned left quad tonight after gym. also hit 250iu of hcg. sex drive is through the fucking roof. im constantly looking for pussy, and even tempted to invite some chubby chicks over just to get a piece of ass. holy shit.

felt somewhat strong in the gym tonight. everything going well, no sides so far. little to no acne, boners a lot, overall sense of well being, loving it.
deadlifts. decided to try some deads today and see how my back feels. felt pretty good, but im planning on taking it easy for a few weeks
135lbs x 8 warmup
225lbs x 6 warmup
275lbs x 8
315lbs x 8
315lbs x 8

wide grip pull ups
bodyweight x 6 warmup
bw plus 65lbs x 8 reps
bw plus 65lbs x 8 reps
bw plus 65lbs x 6 reps

hammer strength iso-lateral row
2 plates/side x 6 warmup
3 plates plus 25lbs per side x 8 reps
3 plates plus 25lbs per side x 8 reps
3 plates plus 25lbs per side x 8 reps

close grip cable pull downs
135lbs x 6 warmup
190bs x 8
190lbs x 8
190lbs x 8

felt good today.
guys I missed shoulder/trap day due to being literally snowed in my apartment. I have been snowed in since friday and was just able to get out this morning to go to work. 2+ feet of snow, ridiculous, i hate it.

anyway i went and hit legs tonight. also pinned my right quad after my workout. felt strong today, not tons of energy but i was pushing some weight.

leg extensions 2 sets with like 70-90lbs to get some blood going in the legs

sled hack squats(superset with seated calves)
8 reps x 90lbs each side(warmup)
8 reps x 4 plates each side!!
8 reps x 4 plates
8 reps x 4 plates

seated calves
90lbs x 15 warmup
170lbs x 12 reps nice and slow
170lbs x 12 reps nice and slow
170lbs x 12 reps nice and slow

straight leg dead lifts
135lbs x 6 warmup
225lbs x 6
295lbs x 8
295lbs x 8
295lbs x 8

did calf extensions on leg press between my leg extension sets, 410lbs x 12 for 3 sets

leg extension
50lbs x 10 warmup
single leg
90lbs x 10
90lbs x 10
90lbs x 10

standing hamstring curl superset with standing calves
30lbs x 8 reps each leg warmup
80lbs x 8 reps
80lbs x 8 reps
80lbs x 6

standing calves
150lbs x 10
150lbs x 10
150lbs x 10
BB flat bench
135lbs x 12 warmup
225lbs x 5 warmup
265lbs x 6
265lbs x 6
255lbs x 5

BB incline bench
135lbs x 10 warmup
225 x 8
225 x 8
225 x 6

weighted dips leaning forward chest emphasis
bw x 8 warmup
bw plus 90 x 8
bw plus 90lbs x 8
bw plus 90lbs x 8

db flies
25lbs x 10 warmup
45lbs x 10
50lbs x 10
50lbs x 10
I think I forgot to mention in my last post but i did my 2nd pin on thurs night(new years eve). 250mg of test e into my left quad, went smooth as butter! ive had no pain during my injections and very very little soreness in the day or two following each injection so far!!

Just got back from the gym and worked my back.

dumbbell rows
45lbs x 8 warmup
70lbs x 8 warmup
105lbs x 10 reps was childs play
110lbs x 8 reps was childs play
115lbs x 8 reps felt good

close grip v bar rows(lay barbell on ground)
2 wheels x 10 warmup
3 plates plus 25lbs x 8reps
3 plates plus 25lbs x 8reps
3 plates plus 25lbs x 8reps

wide grip pull ups
bodyweight x 6 warmup
bw plus 45lbs x 8 reps
bw plus 45lbs x 8 reps
bw plus 45lbs x 8 reps

seated cable row
105lbs x 8 warmup
180lbs x 8
180lbs x 8
180lbs x 8

felt awesome in the gym. felt like i had a lot in the tank, and im thinking of going back to deadlifts next week. last time i deadlifted(6-8 weeks ago) i pulled my back outta place and ended up at the chiropractor and taking time off from the gym. i was pulling 365 for sets of 6 so id really like to incorporate deads back into my routine. we'll see

dude your routine looks good but you sure your not going too heavy on some of those lifts? Im bout 220lbs and i rarely use 115s for dumbell rows unless im goin heavier and then ill use them and just go super slow and squeeze every rep. Just tryin to give some constructive critism thats all.

And as for legs, im guessing you need some improvement considering your only doing 500on ur leg presses but doing WG pull ups with 45s. Im just tryin to help, and im not in the gym with you obviously but it just seems that you are lifting too heavy for ur experience level. Just make sure your going nice and slow on every rep and actually using the right muscle to lift the weight. Im not saying to not lift heavy but just be careful that your keeping perfect form on every lift. Hope that helps bro
you also need to realize that most pros Never lift at their max. They usually lift with a moderate amount of weight and really focus on what their doing.

I remember seeing Victor Martinez in my gym a couple years ago and he was doing an intense back workout. He was also only using 150s for DB rows and he looked like he was killing his back. Now im sure he could prob have done those with 200s with non-strict form, but decided to do them slow and controlled with 150s. Yeah he was using 150s, but you have to remember that hes also like 300lbs@10% in the off season. Hes basically a freaking monster.

My point is that by seeing what he was doing, i started to realize that you dont need to completely destroy the muscle to get good results, but trick it into growing. Almost all pros will tell you this. And you will hardly ever see a pro maxing out on weight and theres a reason for this. If Victor can get his back to look like that while only using 150s and weighing twice as much as you then you prob dont need to be tossing around 115s. Just tryin to give u some insight bro thats all. hope im helping and you take the advice. Good luck with your training
AWSOME definatley lookin forward to some more!!! I personally figured the leg's were a bit light in weight. 500 on the sled is kinda low no?? keep up the great work!!! slayin some too haha!
everything is going alright. lifts have kinda peaked! I just dont feel that TEST feeling as much anymore. Not sure why, maybe im just kinda used to it now. Still lifting pretty heavy but weight is staying right at about 183 when i first wake up. still pretty fuckin lean too.
You try upping cals at all? I know you want to stay lean but if you stalled out maybe try throwing in another small meal.
i think im up more than 8lbs. I think when i started i was right at about 170, give or take a few lbs actually. so im up anywhere from 11-14lbs, and have gotten leaner since starting.
yea cycle and pct are done. i had to stop around week 8 due to a medical issue(not related to AAS). ended up not eating for almost 7 days, was eating just soup and lost a lot of my weight. went into pct and got sick with a cold/flu bug and lost a few more lbs. it was really depressing considering how well my cycle was going. just finished week 4 of pct(clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20) yesterday and am hoping to jump back on sometime in may. probably gonna get some blood work done in about 3-4 weeks just to make sure everything is alright.
damn sorry to hear that, but at least you made some good gains while you were on..muscle memory is a great thing, so I'm sure you'll put it back on pretty fast.
Was it tough for you coming off the test?
Did your body feel shut down hard, and do you feel like your back to normal yet?
yea cycle and pct are done. i had to stop around week 8 due to a medical issue(not related to AAS). ended up not eating for almost 7 days, was eating just soup and lost a lot of my weight. went into pct and got sick with a cold/flu bug and lost a few more lbs. it was really depressing considering how well my cycle was going. just finished week 4 of pct(clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20) yesterday and am hoping to jump back on sometime in may. probably gonna get some blood work done in about 3-4 weeks just to make sure everything is alright.

Damn! u and me both bro, I had to cut short also. I whent through a very difficult death of a loved one, couldn't eat, sleep, or lift. I am now a single full time father of a 4 yo. Unexpected shit happens.

I got another one lined up for middle of may though. 12 weeks of Sustanon (sust) 325, EQ 200 and 300, and also thinking of starting it off with 4-5 weeks of Test prop @ 75mg ed. or anavar. still debating over what to use as a kickstarter.