If on steroids, should I workout everyday?


New member
just wanted to ask because am getting mixed responses. If you're on roids, is it okay to workout everyday if you're on a cutting cycle? cardio everyday?
You can do cardio everyday as long as it's not HIT. I don't see anything wrong with doing 30 min of light cardio a day while cutting and by light cardio I mean go for a walk or a light jog/walk on rest days. Now as far as lifting goes, no. Your muscles need rest to grow and you don't want to over train them.
Everyone is different! Depends on if you're a couch potato or in some kind of athletic condition already. Look at olympic athletes and MMA fighters.. The natural ones make up the gross majority and they bust their asses 6days a week.. I wouldn't push your heart too hard on cycle because you can usher heart enlargement which is already a concern just being on juice, but if you divide and space body region workouts just right you can workout 7days a week. Its better to do everyother day rest days (long term) tho IMO
At 47 no. if im doing deads and squats every week no way can my knees and hams handle it. Im on a heavy cycle now and i can squeak out three good lift days, a couple 2 mile runs a week, and maybe a fourth abs arms cleanup day. 600 test e ew 100 tren a ed