If You Had To Do It All Over Again, What Would Your First Cycle Be???

Darko, my wife nagged the heck out me to buy a house a 1-1 1/2 years ago. We pooled ALL the money we had into buying it. So, I had to say goodbye to my gym membership and training. The good thing is I'm spending $1500-2000 and buying some quality equipment(Power Rack, DB's(5lb-100lb), 500+lbs of Free Weights, Mirrors, etc...)for my garage and will be back at in a few.:D
Texas Ranger said:
Darko, my wife nagged the heck out me to buy a house a 1-1 1/2 years ago. We pooled ALL the money we had into buying it. So, I had to say goodbye to my gym membership and training. The good thing is I'm spending $1500-2000 and buying some quality equipment(Power Rack, DB's(5lb-100lb), 500+lbs of Free Weights, Mirrors, etc...)for my garage and will be back at in a few.:D

Glad your getting back at it bro, shitty you had to give up training for a while. Think long and hard about getting all the stuff for your house, I know a few people who have done that and eventually went back ot the gym within a year.
what I did:
250 mg sustanon for 10 weeks and gained 25 lbs with no post cycle therapy.

what I would do now:

1000 mg of cyp for 10 weeks with clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and proviron.
This is probably the only way I can possibly workout. I have 3 young kids and even though there's child care at the gym, I can't see myself dragging them to the gym 3-4 times a week. Two of them have homework, too!:) Nah man, I'm definitely going to make the best of it. I REALLY have some good stuff coming, so it won't be a plastic 110lb Weider set. LOL.... :D
With fresh receptors I would stare with 200 mg a week of Primabolin and 200 mg Equipoise a week. Run that for 6 months. The next cycle would have the powerful stuff. Test D-bol, things like that.