Igf-1 lr3


New member
hi i'm planning on using Igf-1 lr3 like in peptide-guide.com/ but i still haven't bought it. should i go through with it? are there any side effects?
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well igf works thru your insulin. Most peeps must have a good carb meal before taking. Now I have heard that it is better to inject into a muscle that you are going to work out then in fatty tissue. I have tried both and i have dad very good pumps with inj into muscle. I have never had a dizzy feeling after taking it with no carbs before inj. Now we all know that growth makes everything grow. ( growth gut ) Makes heart bigger and so on etc..... so that is your choice. I will not lie. I have been using it for almost a year and i feel good and almost never sick.
I've gotten some good results in PWO shots done bilaterally into the muscle worked. For the dose its really dependent on the person... best to start low (40mcg) and work your way to your "sweet" spot and never exceed 100mcg