Igflr3 negative feedback loop and endo gh suppression?


New member
I found another post online that discusses how the body regulates growth hormone and igf when they circulate back to the hypothalamus and pituitary to increase Somatostatin release, thereby decreasing GH release and in turn igf. I am using igf lr3 at 50 mcg 25,25 bilaterally in the muscle worked the day prior. So it would be Tuesday- Saturday every morning for 20 days. If igf lr3 does indeed suppress my natural gh and igf lr3 then when would it begin a normal cycle of release? Would it come back Sunday and Monday which are my off days from igf lr3? Or would it have to start back up after my 20 days. Worst case scenario I could take a ghrp/cjc stack to help stimulate gh/igf again right?