ok guy, my position remains the same and all my old pt clients benefited from it. most people work arms too much. you grow when you rest. the vast majority of us would be better off with a push pull leg split the recycles every 5-6 days.
You know I went back and read this... how ignorant to be gut truthful. Show me one pro - BB er or one good combative BB er that works his body parts once a week...except for his genetically gifted Body part.
DO you think I went from this pic to what I have shown here by one a week body part training. Oh I might add another quite ignorant statement is you speaking of your
PT clients making progress. Shit PT , get it a fvcking far way from a BB's. Ya think.
Regroup pal , cause I think you got n the wrong highway with where you are going with this ^^. PT patients for the most part are not in good shape or I would say way far away from any pumped up, and growth potential. Most of them are in atrophy otherwise they wouldn't be in Therapy .
Myself and most other people here and this is assumed by the title O'logy are not in PT WE are talking about above natty potential or at minimum reaching and obtaining the peak of potential. Not getting into shape or just better in shape.
For the more than average BB and or competitor and the advanced , training each muscle once a week is pissing in the north wind, to stimulate true growth
As you speak of your PT clients ( ha lol) I as a past gym owner and trainer I use myself and my clients ( some competitive winners) that I trained on a 3 day split. All with training lagging Body parts 2 - 3 times a week. Tell my past guys that placed in comps that they wasted their time. Proof be told...Dammit