I'm formulating a plan of attack... Your input please..


Hi everyone,

I recently introduced myself in the general chat forum. And, I have been wading through information.

I am new to this. Perhaps you could review what I am leaning toward and confirm or tweak my plan for the better?

This plan is for a 6'4", 250lb, 37 year-old, male. I train regularly over the past 7.5 yrs. Diet has been sloppy in the recent past (I am carrying more fat than I should) but dietary concerns are now cleared up, and I am working cardio into the schedule. And, my test, a matter of annoyance for me, is generally in the 280's ng/dl without T-boosters and in the 380's ng/dl w/ T-boosters. I am not receiving medical treatment at this time for anything.

I'm thinking about starting off with RS Transaderm. I will use it, as directed, for 8 weeks. The RS transaderm will be followed by a PCT, namely either HC Generate or Forma Stanzol for 4 weeks.

Assuming that all goes well... I'll take a month off before returning to the RS Transaderm as a test base, which will be followed by the Helladrol Starter Stack.

So after the RS Transaderm...
Weeks 1-4: Helladrol - 1 capsule, 3 times a day, spread out morning, noon, and night.

Weeks 1-4: Forged Liver Support - 1 capsule, 2 times a day--at morning and at night.

Weeks 4-8: Forged Post Cycle - 2 capsules, 2 times a day--at morning and at night.

Weeks 4-10: Forma Stanzol - 5 pumps rubbed on chest, 2 times a day--at morning and at night.

How does that look to you?

i enjoyed the transaderm while i used it, i did notice some effects, though I don't know if i would call it good for a standalone. stacked, I believe it has potential and if you have the extra money, then go for it. I haven't been able to justify it personally, but not everything is for everyone.

as far as the hdrol - good choice. i'd run the hdrol for 5 weeks at 3 caps a day, but thats just my opinion. people have seen results with 4 weeks but in my experience, I really started noticing things in week 3 through week 5 in the past (my next cycle i will probably run 6 weeks).

i will always use a SERM in post cycle therapy (pct) even though many argue that its unnecessary.

here is a suggestion that you might want to look into, and thats TRT. you have seemingly low test levels that might afford you a script. once proper bloodwork has been done and your upfront costs are covered (it is a little pricey to get in), it seems that the cost of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (through a place like MAXIMUS - a sponsor on the site not your local walgreens/CVS) is very low. this may be a good alternative as it not only will affect your body composition, but elevate things like mood and libido where PHs and other AAS (besides testosterone) will drive these things down.

I'd check into the TRT/HRT section of this site and learn a little bit.
I think testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is def for you my friend. Your test being that low is a problem and that is the solution. You're gains in the gym will be so much better and actually kept if you did testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) instead of this proposed cycle.

Also I'm not sure why you want to do a ph cycle at this point. It's gonna shut you down like gear, cost more, and be less effective. The only pro I see about PH over gear is legality, but this is america everything good is fucking illegal lol
i too agree that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) would be your best choice... however, if you want to run helladrol there is a much better way to do it...

just flat out start with helladrol and transaderm stacked... run hella and transaderm for weeks... hella at 75/75/75/100/100/125 (125 if your not having any sides)... run n2guard alongside and fish oil as well...

kick forma stanzol in mid cycle and run it through pct...

pct: torem 90/60/60/30... unleashed, daa, need2slin, lean xtreme and creatine nitrate...

this is how i ran it and i gained 15 lbs and my body fat dropped from 7% to 6.2%...
Thanks for the replies. I'll read-up the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) discussion threads and take MaximusHRT into consideration too.
I agree. You need to get your test in check before even thinking of running any cycles. Anything you gain will be lost because your normal levels are so low. I had low t for years and never knew it... Id have great gains on cycle and even with proper post cycle therapy (pct) I'd slowly see them go bye bye. Now I'm on maximus hrt and I'm seeing slow gains everyweek. If your test isn't brought up you're wasting your time and money.