Im Hcg


Indiscreet Stalker
IM Hcg?

i just read somewhere that HCG can be injected intramuscular. i didn't know this. is this true? if so, is there a different type of solvent used for IM vs subcutaneous? are there any disadvantages of IM?
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I just don't see any reason to put extra holes in your muscles when it's so easy to shoot sub-q. And no, I have no heard of any disadvantages to shooting either way.
i was thinking of this coz i thought i could mix my sus with it during the cycle. i've never tried this method of HCG administration (shooting during the cycle) but some guys do it this way and stop just before the last gear shot and begin nolva or clomid as usual, a week or so after the gear shot.
You can mix it in the same pin. There is no reason to use hcg during pct, throughout the cycle is the way to go.
another question - what kind of HCG dosage would you do on cycle... i'll probably be doing no more than 500 mg/wk of sus only (i'm around 230lbs, 5'10").
silver_shadow said:
another question - what kind of HCG dosage would you do on cycle... i'll probably be doing no more than 500 mg/wk of sus only (i'm around 230lbs, 5'10").
With that dosage you prob don't even really need HCG, but I use about the same dosage and use HCG also.

I would do about 250-300iu 2x a week (Mon morn, thurs night for example)