Im new to roids, and i need help on some questions with my first cycle


New member
Hello, i have decided to do a cycle of aas. This will be my first cycle ever. I am a male, 170 lb 15% bf, id say fairly buff. I want to do only 1 month of a aas, and have minimal side effects. I want to try 1 cycle of winstrol ORAL for 1 month. I need help in determining weather 1 month of winstrol will give me any side affects? Will i be able to stop cold turkey after this 1 cycle? How many times a day can/should i work out on this cycle? Will i need to take a anti estrogen after or during the cycle? Will i get boobs or will by balls shrink after/during this cycle? and if they do will they go back to normal once i stop ? Will my voice become more girly after/during this cycle? Any help answering these questions would be greatly appreciated. Thx in advance

What are your full stats, like how old are you and how tall?

Second, oral only cycles do not work. Not only do they not work but you do more bad than good in your body. 1 month of any cycle will get you no where. A minimum/average cycle is usually 12 weeks. Yes you can stop cold turkey, AAS is not like crack. I think the question you are actually asking is, will you keep your gains after stopping? The answer to that is it all depends on your diet. If you have a good diet than you should keep the majority of your gains. Yes you need to take anti-estorgen, that will determine whether or not you get those man boobs you speak off. Yes balls will shrink unless you take HCG, but if you do not they will come back to normal size when you get off and get on PCT. Your voice will not change one bit.

I am going to just guess that you are too young. If you are under 23 you should not even consider AAS use. It's not like taking creatine or anything like that. Once you start there is a chance you might permanently shut down your natural test levels forever and become a slave to TRT.
I'm not going to get to deep I'll let some more experienced people chimney in but you need to start by reading all the stickies, newbie info.

You need test as a base because you will be shutting down your natural production. You need to do your homework before you mess up your endocrine system /HPTA.

How old are you?
Your looking at a chance of being on trt for life do some more home work. They don't spoon feed you here. You'll be glad you did. Read read read. Use the advance search option. And then youll be able to know a little about what to ask.

Shutting down you HPTA before 25 can have drastic results your still growing.
I stopped reading at 4 week oral only cycle, been there, done that.
Wasn't worth it man! Emotionall rollercoasters and more
Sides than the gains are worth. Keep putting in work In the gym/diet and do more
Research until your ready for a full cycle.
Make sure your training and diet are on point before considering a cycle, otherwise, as many have stated before me, it will be a waste.
Sometimes we just want it now and that's not the best approach. Reading, researching and learning might take a lot of work and time, but its all worth in the end.