Increased Libido, Fat Gain During PCT


New member
So since coming off 10 week 500mg/week test e while taking armidex 0.25mg eod then having a 2 weeks break. I've began PCT with 20/20/10/10 Nolva (Some say this is low but others say there's no difference between 40/40/20/20 and 20/20/10/10) But I'm not here to discuss that.

Since starting PCT my libido is through the roof but I'm also gaining fat/becoming lethargic. I don't understand, how can I be having signs of high test but also signs of increased estrogen?

I'm supplementing with lean extreme (a cortisol controller) but I don't think that would make any difference.

Any advice to why this could be happening and what action to take?

*Today I have changed my calories to just above maintenance to reduce fat gain but help keep gains*
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It's probably estrogen rebound since arimidex is a non-suicidal Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I'd be willing to bet that your fat gain is actually bloat from the sudden increase in estrogen. As I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I'm not by any means an expert on post cycle therapy (pct), so hopefully someone else can chime in on what else you could use to supplement it. Oh, and it's TOTALLY possible to have high test with high estrogen, some folks won't have ED until E2 gets REALLY high.

My .02c :)