inj. var/drol/dbol

joei rock

New member
i have seen many posts about brewing test and other regular injectibles.

i was wondering if the process or oils used are different if someone had say .. Adex, anavar, anadrol, etc in raw powders..

or do these things just get put in capsules or pressed into tabs?

from what I understood the raws like Anavar (var) are for oral consumption and not suited for IM

but someone who works closer with powders will better tell you

on the other hand I know that IM drol exists but i think thats a separate powder
yeah thats what im wondering .. if its a seperate powder or if theirs a "special recipe" for making it injectable.

either way , works out better for my wallet to buy for ei. A-dex powder than already pressed tabs .. i can scale it out and put it in capsules if needed.
Raws for winy/var/dbol/drol are not just for oral only. Many labs have made injectable var/drol/dbol including myself. It has no ester attached so it's needs injecting once a day. Becasue it's injected it actually skips the first pass through the liver not going through twice like orals.

Raws are raws, oral raws are no different than injectable. The reason you don't see injectable test/deca etc. is because of shitty bioavailability. With inj. Dbol you can actually get away using a lower dosege.

It brews the same as test etc. except that you may need a super solvent like guiaicol to help it hold. Dbol at 50mg/ml holds fine with the standard 2/18-2/20 with the super solvent.
IMO though caps are the way to go, with 50g of Dianabol raw you can make somewhere aroung 2500 caps at 20mg a cap.
the simplest thing to me looks like just making it into a liquid oral. using everclear or something similar.
i dont want to go through the process of getting a filler and mixing everything up and making caps .. (if the liquid oral is just as good)

i found this .. and the process seems simple enough and will last a really long time..:

Powder: per 1 gram of Anastrozole
Produces: Highest concentration made - 5 mg/ml

***8226;1 gram of Anastrozole powder
***8226;1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
***8226;19.9 ml of PEG 300
***8226;179.1 ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
Can someone tell me if this Anavar is real or fake? pen-hoff-pharma 50 mg yellow capsules,I've always been cut but now more one week, I want to know if is anavar and nothing else.
seriously ... start your own thread ...

but i would like to know what my fellow Ology' chemist think of putting my oral powders as liquids .. with my recipe up top as a starter..

ill have adex and anadrol powders
Eq is made very similar to Dbol. It was actually made to be a long acting injectablr Dbol. But has no real similar effect as Dbol. Also thickens the shit out of your blood.
the simplest thing to me looks like just making it into a liquid oral. using everclear or something similar.
i dont want to go through the process of getting a filler and mixing everything up and making caps .. (if the liquid oral is just as good)

i found this .. and the process seems simple enough and will last a really long time..:

Powder: per 1 gram of Anastrozole
Produces: Highest concentration made - 5 mg/ml

***8226;1 gram of Anastrozole powder
***8226;1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
***8226;19.9 ml of PEG 300
***8226;179.1 ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

Liquid oral is just fine as it's very convenient but due to the alcohol it taste like shit. For filler when capping, you can use creatine, glutamine, dextrose etc. It'll take about 10min to cap 50 pills using a $25 capping machine.

That recipe you posted will work, you could even make it without the peg but imo it'll taste so fucking bad. Just remember that you'll have to shake the bottle up every time you draw to make sure mg per ml is consistant.
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Liquid oral is just fine as it's very convenient but due to the alcohol it taste like shit. For filler when capping, you can use creatine, glutamine, dextrose etc. It'll take about 10min to cap 50 pills using a $25 capping machine.

That recipe you posted will work, you could even make it without the peg but imo it'll taste so fucking bad. Just remember that you'll have to shake the bottle up every time you draw to make sure mg per ml is consistant.

Im taking some liq var I bought from a source on another site. It's dosed at 25mg/ml, looks milky and taste somewhat sweet. You can actually feel lil grains in it. I've only been taking it for 3 days so can't really vouche for how good it is. Im taking 75mg/d