Get 1-Test Cyp. from The price is much better and it is painless. I used 200mg twice a week for 5 weeks. I was also using 336mg of Transdermal 1-Test and 500-600mg of Transdermal 4-AD, along with 1,4AD, 5-AD, 19-Nor, and 5aa. If I hadn't been using the transdermal 1-Test, I would have front loaded the 1-Test Cyp due to the Cyp. ester. I highly recommend either some kind of Test or 4-AD transdermal to accompany this. Gains are nice and lean on this compound. Feel free to go as high as 800mg a week with the 1-Test Cyp, I didn't because of the trandsdermal I was using in conjuction with the Cyp.