Injection site red and swelled


New member
Last sunday i took my 3rd test E shot and it seems like I've got an infection. The first shot was kinda sore and the 2nd shot wasnt really sore at all. My arm is red/ pink and it has started to swell some. I injected into the middle of my delt and the bottom of my delt began to get really really sore and tight. The pinkness and puffyness has progressed down to my bicep. I have been taking some amoxocilin 500 mg 3 times a day for about 2 days now and have been icing it after i work out. I really dont want to go to the doctor bc at the moment i dont have insurance. I suppose if i have to i can go to the health department, but what do i tell them? Like should i tell them ive been shooting test? Should i tell them i shot some b12 instead? if i do say i have been shooting b12 how much would someone typically inject and how often?
Do you have a visible abscess? Or does it just look like the oil is spreading? How much did you inject into your delts at one time?

If it doesnt start to subside you need to get your ass to the hospital. If you dont you risk amputation or even death.

You can lie and tell them you injected b12 but I doubt they'll believe you.
Tell him...You think you have a injection infection....

How much did you inject at one time? I've had injects that were really sore and I thought I had a infection but did not....
The only things that's visible is the redness. My bicep looks a little puffy and the bottom of my delt is tight and a little sore. Ive started to massage it some and i guess ill heat and then ice. I injected .8 cc into the delt.
The only things that's visible is the redness. My bicep looks a little puffy and the bottom of my delt is tight and a little sore. Ive started to massage it some and i guess ill heat and then ice. I injected .8 cc into the delt.

Is it the first time you've injected into your delt? How big/long was the pin you used??
What brand of gear you running?
i mean i was just as sterile as i have ever been with any other inject and the last 2 injects with this stuff never really did anything out of the ordinary. this is the first time ive shot in my delt though and never with this much.
used a 5/8" inch needle. i have 1" but i was afraid to use that long of one. ill try to get a pic gimme a bit though.
Doesnt matter shit can happen...

I think the gear may be harsh and your delt is just swollen from high BA perhaps.

I'd go to the doc in a day or two if it doesnt start to go away.

Amox will do next to nothing for it though. I keep keflex on hand just in case.

Be prepared...
the first one is the right delt which is the one that i injected sunday. It's a little redder than usual because ive been massaging it. pretty much my right arm just isnt as defined as my right.

so should i just keep massaging and icing and heating? Go to the health department if it doesn't subside?
Ok. after i massaged the shit out of it, which is the first time i have, the tightness is like completely gone. You think that's a good sign?
see the thing is, if you look close you can see a scar on my delt. i injected it like exactly at the top corner of that scar like maybe a cm away from the corner. but the soreness seemed to like slide down my delt and settle in the bottom of it? kinda weird
I always get that from delt feels like teh gear is spreading out towards teh bottom and the delt is swelling.
I reckon you're allergic to the alcohol in the gear and its a histemic reaction..try taking a benedryl or other antihistamine after the shot and gain a few days later...otherwise you can cut the gear with sterile cottonseed or grapeseed oil.
My delt is totally back to normal now, but my left ass cheek is pretty much in the same situation as my delt was. This is getting a bit old. I'm going to have to cut this stuff with cottonseed or grapeseed oil i guess. Where would you find sterile cottonseed or grapeseed oil at? And how much should I add to it? I've got about a half a 10/ml vial left.
Yeah, I seem to be having the same issue with my stuff, and its straight from a legit lab, so I know its sterile and top quality.

Seems my body doesnt care for the compound too much.

What I have found is that light massage for a few hours after the shot, and then deep heavy massage the following days after has helped a lot.

The sooner I can get the oil to dissapate and thin out the better. If it lumps up, thats when my issues start...