Inquire about Anavar Usage before or after workout?????


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Inquire about Anavar Usage

Dear All,
Please let me know about Anavar usage. should i take Anavar dosage Pre-workout or Postworkout. I usually do workout in the morning thats y i am asking. Please suggest me.
I would take 100 mg a day and I would split it into three times a day. Personally I was thinking of running it at 50 mg 3 X a day but it was over my budget. So I went for anadrol and dbol
Yes i m going to use Anavar. suggest me to use whether pre-workout or postworkout, i am male my weight is 85 kg, height is 5'10

We can't really recommend a good way to run anavar if we don't know what else you are running. Tell us about the rest of your cycle and previous cycle history please.
This is the same guy who asked what aas give you bigger biceps. I think he needs to go over the stickies over the weekend.
I dont post much but i love just reading the stuff on the board
make sure you engaged brain before putting mouth in gear or fingers befor you start typing
This is my first cycle ever and i m using anavar alone.

A good dose for females is 5mg per day taken in the morning. Watch for signs of an enlarged clitoris or deepening of your voice or facial hair growth. Stop at the first signs of this as it indicates virilization.
This is my first cycle ever and i m using anavar alone.

Men should not use Anavar alone. It will shut down your natural testosterone production, and you will not be supplementing with testosterone, so you will feel like hell, and you will not receive the benefits of a
Anavar. Anavar must be run along side a complete steroid cycle of Testosterone\Aromatase Inhibitor\HCG, and then the compounds for your PCT when you have completed your cycle. Anavar also should not be ran as long as a steroid cycle, unless of course your liver values aren't really elevated at all. If everything is looking ok, I've read it's ok to go a little longer than 6 weeks as far as Anavar is concerned. Only women can run anavar alone at a low dose. You are not prepared to do anything yet. You need to read the stickies, ask questions, learn, then plan out your cycle. There are some very knowledgeable people here. I wouldn't consider myself one of them yet. I still have learning to do, but there are plenty here that are.
i split my doses up morning and night due to the short half life and did it pre workout. was great for pumps, just sucked a bit when doing back work and you got too pumped
I am using Anavar first time ever. please suggest whether to use it before workout or afterwork. Please answer to my question

I merged the thread you started today with your previous thread as they are asking the exact same question.

Do run anavar by itself. It shuts down your testosterone.