insane etrogen rebound post cycle


New member
so I had done a 700mg test e 16 week cycle around 5 months ago. i have been using Arimidex off cycle for around 6 months because everytime I stop using the arimidex, my estrogen skyrockets, therefore I keep using arimidex .25 daily . I am not sure what to do anymore. will I have to use arimidex for the rest of my life?
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so I had done a 700mg test e 16 week cycle around 5 months ago. i have been using estrogen off cycle for around 6 months because everytime I stop using the arimidex, my estrogen skyrockets. I am not sure what to do anymore. will I have to use arimidex for the rest of my life?

Why are you using estrogen? Sex change?
Let's see your blood work. When did you cycle end relative to the blood work? What were you taking at the time the blood work was drawn and/or recently before. Give us the details.