intermittent fasting

You've really got me interested about this now. Turns out that I've been doing something very similar to this without knowing it, and seeings results much faster than I expected. After reading into it a bit more, I am convinced I could fine-tune my schedule to really get the most out of it.

Are you just basically doing IIFYM dieting, except only eating during your feeding window? Is whey protein considered bad to drink outside of the feeding window?

IIFYM? what does that stand for? We need an acronym sticky (or at.least keep it posted in an easy to find area)

As always, it depends on the person, age, stats, daily activity, and many other stats...along w trial and error, to find an effective diet (effective = met personal goals)
IIFYM? what does that stand for? We need an acronym sticky (or at.least keep it posted in an easy to find area)

As always, it depends on the person, age, stats, daily activity, and many other stats...along w trial and error, to find an effective diet (effective = met personal goals)

If It Fits Your Macros
Thanks for the quick reply. Do you take BCAAs or something to help prevent muscle loss?
its said to go ahead and have the bcaas, i personally dont see a real need for them unless it makes U feel better, just like most supps, its in the food u eat. but it wouldnt hurt your fast to do so.
I've been on IF for a month but my eating window is 8pm to 2am... I train late so this fits my schedule more but since being on IF have went from 200 to 190... it definitely works.. and one day out of the week i cheat and eat all day to break the plateau.. but as far as feeling weak... i actually feel stronger when lifting on my fasted state for some reason.. in fasted state all i intake is water.. I also run peptides as well but the progress has been awesome..