Is 22 too young for dbol?


New member
Hey guys, so I have read almost all the forums and book but always mixed views on dbol oral cycle and its safety for my age etc. can you guys help me with this? My stats are age 21 turning 22 in a month or two and been training for almost 4 years. Stats are
weight: 176 lbs
bf%: 5.5
it seems like it's impossible to get further development as a natty other than strength increments. And yess I do count my calories everyday and I like to do so but it seems like it has reached its peak and does not develop anymore past half year or so other than fat. So I read on a book that recommends pyramiding oral dbol with Nolva everyday just in case and then doing pct as well for 8 weeks. Would this be really detrimental for my because of my age? Yes I know a lot of water gain will happen but so what? You can't loose the muscle that you worked hard for unless you get really huge which can't happen with this cycle and would take years more hard work and dedication and need the support of steroids to keep them. So can you guys please help me out with deciding especially clarifying important points with the age factor. And what would you guys recommend for pct? cause as i have stated i am thinking nolvadex everyday with dbol (10mg) just in-case. And when done, i was considering
1st day: 60 mg
2-11: 40 mg
12-21: 20 mg

i would also like to know how much weight did you guys gain and how much were you able to keep? did you pct? did you workout as hard as possible while trying to be accurately as possible with calories? And my other question is for all is, would people who see me everyday take notice of this weight fluctuation and go like wtf is going on?And as for the occupation if you guys may ask, I am a med student. So I would appreciate if you guys let me know if this would or could affect my studying as well. Thx for taking your time to help, really appreciate it

And no i don't look small unless i wear a sweater....honestly i "stop" myself from eating. I love to eat, hence that's why i count the calories... from gaining extra fat, and i am pretty good at it. When i don't count, which i tried few times when i go back to my parents house, i gain around 2-3 kg in less than a week. And yeah that's my problem i started to go on this route to look "big". now i look shredded and beach ready, get asked for help on bodybuilding from everyone that meets me (unless i wear a sweater or longshirt, cause than i look small af ) maybe good for a natty model but... i don't like it and i don't want to get fat either for a lot of health reasons. Thus, as a natty you CANT be BIG and LEAN as in low bf not around 10-15%, its a fkin lie, you just cant. maybe 1 in a million and i still highly doubt it. Biggest things i am scared of in dbol cycle is: ruining natural test levels permanently (is it possible?), and my parents and friends saying wtf is going on (as in, does water weight come of ridiculously fast?), cause as a med student, i know they will judge me really harshly as i always advocate "health" first :P
Lol oral only cycles for males are frowned upon here for good reasoning! U need to research more bro
You need to run test with any cycle unless you are a girl. You have done little or no research on AAS. You can make natty gains. You are 6'2" and 175 you need food not steroids. I also doubt your 5.5% bf claim. No offense but I don't think you realize how low that truly is. And yes, oral only cycles are only for women. Don't run this cycle you will mess your self up. Do research and get some test for a real first cycle.
I did and it was POINTLESS AS I SWOLE with water; walked around w my lats flared and bird chest poked out for 6 weeks and in 2 WEEKS pissed it away.

End result..8 week s and I was back on jump street but with a soft noodle.

I want to welcome you here OK? I want to encourage you to read read then read some more and THEN you llsee why wrecking a 22 yr old smoothly purring hpta to swell and then feellike hell is a nogo.

Now your 22. You ll do what you want but...why be me ? Be smarter and do it right.

I beg you to stay and hang with the crew and we ll teach you, help u w diet traing, scoring etc.
This is not e z, cheap or simple. It s serious biznit homieeeee
Doesn't matter what age u are dbol cycle isn't no good. Need test. Your in the "instant gratification" generation. With your stats, I'm sure your diet needs work. I'm sure you look small no matter what kind of shirt you have on. Look up 3j. He got a before and after thread. It would benefit you more then anything your planning to do...
22 is too young for any cycle IMO. And dbol only is a bad idea for anyone of any age. Hang around here for a the stickies and ask questions. Rethink your strategy and design a new cycle in a couple years.
I did and it was POINTLESS AS I SWOLE with water; walked around w my lats flared and bird chest poked out for 6 weeks and in 2 WEEKS pissed it away.

End result..8 week s and I was back on jump street but with a soft noodle.

I want to welcome you here OK? I want to encourage you to read read then read some more and THEN you llsee why wrecking a 22 yr old smoothly purring hpta to swell and then feellike hell is a nogo.

Now your 22. You ll do what you want but...why be me ? Be smarter and do it right.

I beg you to stay and hang with the crew and we ll teach you, help u w diet traing, scoring etc.
This is not e z, cheap or simple. It s serious biznit homieeeee

Doesn't matter what age u are dbol cycle isn't no good. Need test. Your in the "instant gratification" generation. With your stats, I'm sure your diet needs work. I'm sure you look small no matter what kind of shirt you have on. Look up 3j. He got a before and after thread. It would benefit you more then anything your planning to do...

22 is too young for any cycle IMO. And dbol only is a bad idea for anyone of any age. Hang around here for a the stickies and ask questions. Rethink your strategy and design a new cycle in a couple years.

These posts, all of them are spot on. Please listen to all of them. I can't say more to add, they have given you the BEST advise ... listen :dunno: up to you of course
i love it when someone posts up that they are 6'2 and anywhere under 200lbs and "just cant gain weight"

my man, you cant gain weight because your nutrition is poor... if it wasn't you'd at least gain fat weight right?? if you weren't training that is..

you cant gain weight because you do not know how to eat to grow.. thats your real problem.. and steroids are not magic pills.. they do not defy the laws of physics.. you cannot add mass to something from nothing.. you have to actually add the mass to the subject.. your nutrition is the mass.. if its poor you'll be in the situation you are in..

consider hiring a professional to take care of your nutrition and teach you how to eat to grow..

im available if interested.. email me at or check out the website in the link below

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

alternatively, i also have a free diet advice thread you can utilize for a free critique in the diet section.. make sure to read post 1 first
and this was really convincing for me, please convince me otherwise as i would love to be convinced not to use as it will save lots of money etc

Thank you for calling a spade and spade on this supposed (bullshit) "rule" that has invaded the net over the last 10 years. I usually have no problem when guys suggest that d-bol be used with Test...just as I usually have no problem when guys suggest that test be used with tren. But...when I hear people saying..."You must use Test with it" or..."You can't" use D-bol alone or..."You won't make any gains" or..."That is a waste of time", etc, we need to revert back to the days when advice was given, accompanied by a sound explanation for why such advice was given. At this point, anytime someon mentions running a d-bol only cycle, we are gauranteed to see at least a half-dozen people shout out "It can't be done", while offering no logical argument against it.

Enough of this bullshit rule that was never a rule to begin with. the fact is that back in Arnols's the 80's...and even into the 90's, D-bol only cycles were common...and guys coukld make good gains off of them, especially if they were relatively new to AAS. For some reason, people have no problem running an OTC product like Methadrol alone (and often making killer gains with no other additional steroids), but when it comes to d-bol...ohh shit....that can't be done...impossible...stay away...there is nothing good to be had by going down that road. Never are we offered ANY type of reasonable explanation why it is completely fine ro run a cycle of methadrol, but considerd completely absurd to run a cyle of D-bol. This reason for this is because there is no good reason for approving one and condemning the other.

In reality, many, many guys could make good gains using 50 mg of D-bol ONLY for 8-10 weeks....and get this, they are NOT in any more danger of losing their gains post-cycle, than they are when discontinuing any other steroid. Gains retention with all sterids is very similar. The only real difference is how much water the person will lose when he goes off. Since a steroid like D-bol generally causes a good amount of water retention (both sub-q & I.M.), naturally, the user is going to lose more weight post-cycle than when discontinuing a steroid like Primobolan. However, retention of actual muscle fiber will be basically the same. The confusion here is that people often don't differentiate muscle gain between water gain...and often, the intramuscular water retention component isn't even recognized. Because I.M. water is inside the muscles themselves, it cannot be seen and therefore it is indistinguishable from genuine muscle tissue. For this reason, many think the massive size increase they experience when using these AAS is due mostly to the acquisition of new muscle fiber. However, in many cases, I.M. water is responsible for a large portion of the individual's overall size gain.

So, when the user stops using the offending drug, they lose a bunch of size within the first 1-2 weeks and then say..."this steroid sucks for keeping gains". No...the steroid does not suck for keeping is just as good as any other...the person's I.M. water level just returns back to normal, so they shrink. When it comes to D-bol, it causes a decent amount of both sub-q and I.M water retention, although it does not cause as much I.M. water retention as a steroid like Anadrol, which has long been notorious for blowing the user up in 2 weeks (mostly from I.M. water retention), only to see the person deflate (water levels return back to normal) within 2 weeks of discontinuance. As long as someone controls their estrogen levels when using D-bol, they won't hold nearly as much sub-q water as someone who has no regard for controlling estrogen. In this case, I.M. water retention will be moderate. Under these circumstances, when all is said and done, the user will be able to maintain a respectable percentage of his overall weight gains after the completion of his cycle. Most people usually feel pretty good when using D-bol, as well, so this makes it a fairly pleasant steroid to run. That is another plus to a d-bol only cycle...most guys will be happy and feel good while running it.

Now, I am not saying I recommend D-bol only cycles over other cycles, but I don't care if someone does run one and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it...and there sure as hell isn't any rule against it. Many guys got damn big with D-bol only cycles and many more used D-bol as their primary mass-builder, while using little to no test throughout their entire BB'ing careers. Welcome to the 70's and much of the 80's. I don't consider Arnold to be a slouch in the results department, yet D-bol was his staple...and I am positive he ran more than one d-bol only cycle...and I am also certain many of his d-bol cycles did not include testosterone....and NONE of them included the amounts of test guys use today.

The bottom line is that if someone wants to run a D-bol only cycle...fine. 99% of the guys on BB'ing boards, if they used enough D-bol, could continue making gains for a LONG time without using a single other steroid. Remember, D-bol, while not as potent as a drug like SD, is more potent on a mg to mg basis than many of the traditional steroids still in use today, including testosterone, nandrolone, boldenone, and methenolone, etc. I am done with my rant.

Note: This was not an attack against any of the guys in this thread who may have been opposed to D-bol only cycles (I don't even know who said what...I just briefly skimmed through the thread). Like I said, I do not "recommend" them myself, but I see nothing inherently "wrong" with them either. The point was that I am opposed to the continually growing mentality which teaches that D-bol should never be used alone, yet is absent of any reasonable explanation a to why. This is just my opinion and I do NOT take issue with any person who may believe otherwise. I know I can sometimes appear to be harsh towards the opinions of others which contradict my own, but that is not my intention in this thread."
what would you guys recommend instead? Would it screw me over "for life" if i do dbol cycle?

Run a testosterone only cycle. It will be cheap and give you great gains. Make sure to take an aromatase inhibitor like adex and hcg throughout. Get the proper pct of nolva and clomid and you will like your cycle. You seem like a really smart dude.
And... i got on this route to be BIG and LEAN :P i was skinny as a toothpick when till grade 11 (even my dads friends picked on me which i found awkward and embarrassing when he wasn't around), made it all the way to 210 now cut the fat out so left with 176. Now i look LEAN and ATHLETIC, but not big as i want to yeah everyone admires it but i just want to do more. And wouldn't nolva block all those gyno problems? and wouldnt all those other problems be able to recover on its own if they happen or would they be permanent? And i never really seen any emotional issues etc on dbol, does that happen cause that can dramatically affect my education etc. And i really would love to be able to get to around 190 hovering around 8% bf, so maybe this is another reason i may have been wanting to use it, to get there faster and then just concentrate on strength.
Run a testosterone only cycle. It will be cheap and give you great gains. Make sure to take an aromatase inhibitor like adex and hcg throughout. Get the proper pct of nolva and clomid and you will like your cycle. You seem like a really smart dude.
hmm what type would you recommend cause i read the one that starts with C and other with E hence i cant recall their full names. And why so? And would AI be too costly or unneccesary if i have nolva? sorry if i seem clueless.
OP- regarding the article you posted.

The reason we say not to do oral only cycles and to use test as a base has nothing to do with keeping size.. It has to do with your health.. You are a male and males NEED testosterone to function. Your brain, heart, cardiovascular system, sexual function, all NEED testosterone.
If you take Dbol without test,, then you will have no test in your system at all, this is not healthy. You need test with Dbol if you want to remain healthy and function as a man and stimulate the testosterone receptors through out the body. No testosterone equates to bad health.

Didn't you say you were a med student--- don't you know you need testosterone hormone to function as a healthy adult male
As for water retention and bloat on cycle- this is all taken care of by keeping your estrogen levels in check and running an AI at a consistent dosage throughout the cycle..
Also keeping diet in check
hmm what type would you recommend cause i read the one that starts with C and other with E hence i cant recall their full names. And why so? And would AI be too costly or unneccesary if i have nolva? sorry if i seem clueless.

Run E or C whichever you get cheaper. They have nearly the same half life and effects. Run 450mg-600mg weekly for 12 wks and take adex. Click on the lion at the top of your screen and he will guide you to liquid adex. Do maybe .25 eod to stay lean and free of bloat on cycle. It is not too costly just look at the prices from the place I told you to click. Get your hands on HCG which is also cheap and run 500 iu throughout the cycle every week. Some people skip on this, but I would recommend it. For pct run clomid and nolva and you will be good to go. Only use nolva on cycle if you feel gyno coming on, but the adex won't let that happen. Make sure to get your blood tests done. Use a company called private MD labs to get requisition papers for labs. You will have a good first cycle this way.
These oral cycle posts are an every day thing. It's a waste of time to post the same thing every day. Why don't you do your own research about the negatives of oral cycles? I think its laughable when somebody that has no idea posts about dbol cycles and how everybody did it back in the day. I'm sure Arnold is on trt now because of his choices in life. Don't go preaching about things you know very little about bud. Your no different then the last kid posting about a dbol cycle. You need educated...
To the OP, I promise you that Arnold was running test with his dbol. Do you really think he got to where he is without testosterone. Surely as a med student you understand how important testosterone is to the male body. If you replace that with another androgen then your body produces none. This is a fact and I am not a med student, but I know this much for sure. Do you have a source saying that Arnold was running Dbol by itself? I think that dianabol is a great AAS but it needs to be run alongside testosterone.