Is 250 mg of test c/week enough?

lifter14 said:
I took 250-375 during my cycle, started out at 250 and upped it towards 375 the last few weeks. I went from 155 to 185 but that was probably due to my very low weight to begin with. Runnin 500/week for my next cycle.

Good call, 250 is basicly a high testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose. 400mg for i first cycle is what i would recomend most people who dont way over 190.
president_fad said:
u should try upping your protein before gear. If you weigh 200 thats only 1g per lb. Try upping it to 1.5 instead of resorting to gear.

I think thats the best advice so far ............
I have no problem upping the protein. In other words, I haven't had trouble taking in 200 g a day right now. I have actually been making great gains (naturally) lately by working out hard and eating great. It really does show how important those two parts are. Gear just has the ability to take it to another level when mixed with the first two. I have been eating like this to get my body used to it for when I do cycle, which I am looking at doign in late April.
Eat better before cycle during cycle after cycle
That will take it to another level and another level when running diet diet man.
sicasso13 said:
You KNow you are shutting things down in your body that produces the stuff that makes you a man to put it in simple form and increasing certain things that make you more of a man and there is the chance you mite start looking like a women and in some cases act like one aswell.It sounds like you have an idea of what it is i am talking about because of the post cycle therapy (pct) you posted.So it does not matter 250 or 375 oreven 600 although that is border line problems.A safe zone which really depends on the person would be between 400 and 600...

A second cycle we give outalot is 600 test a week and if they didnt use it in there first is deca 400 a week......good luck bro

What is borderline problems?
TuffGuy6 said:
I usually tell guys at the gym who ask me that "if you are going to do it... 375 minimum otherwise there is no point, just workout harder and eat better... and there is no big deal going for 500mg first cycle."

No need to run anti estros unless feelings side effects while on cycle.

Why are half of you giving advise like this? No need to run anti-e's?
Monstar said:
Why are half of you giving advise like this? No need to run anti-e's?

I think not running anti-e's until symptoms occur is a smart approach. Otherwise you don't know how the chemical really affects you. Why do you feel that anti-e's are a requirement during cycle?
db9 said:
A friend of mine used sus 250 and deca both once a week and got good gains of it.

I have said it like 10 times recently and for me it was wow the most exciting time in my life. I like deca no deca?
I have never used an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and have never had any kind of "to much e side effects"
rocko419 said:
I have said it like 10 times recently and for me it was wow the most exciting time in my life. I like deca no deca?
He only used it for 6 weeks and said it was the best feeling hes ever had.
rocko419 said:
I have said it like 10 times recently and for me it was wow the most exciting time in my life. I like deca no deca?
What are you saying here? You do like deca or you don't?
BuiltOne said:
I have no problem upping the protein. In other words, I haven't had trouble taking in 200 g a day right now. I have actually been making great gains (naturally) lately by working out hard and eating great. It really does show how important those two parts are. Gear just has the ability to take it to another level when mixed with the first two. I have been eating like this to get my body used to it for when I do cycle, which I am looking at doign in late April.

If you making great gains by doing what you're doing, why hit the juice right now? I would wait till you hit a plateau and NEED that extra push. Remember, if it's not broke don't fix it. Just my humble opinion.
cherigo18cdz said:
If you making great gains by doing what you're doing, why hit the juice right now? I would wait till you hit a plateau and NEED that extra push. Remember, if it's not broke don't fix it. Just my humble opinion.

I agree with you. That's why I said I'm in no rush to use it. I'm going ot wait until I hit that plateau. I expect it will most likely come within a few months since the gains have become flat and I am working hard to keep them on. I can't seem to get over 195 lbs. Thanks for all the help!