Is BB a must in homebrew??


New member
i was just reading thread on here & someone brought up bb and how some people dont react well with it and get flu like symptoms (at least they believed it to be caused by bb because when they did away w/it, the symptoms also went away) i too have had similar concerns about bb and have been wondering about the effects of it for a while... i have read other posts on here and other boards where guys have left pure bb in a syringe to test out how corrosive bb is & apparently it starts eating away & melting the rubber with in the first day. sounds pretty nasty to me. my question is, when brewing, is it possible to maybe cut the amount down the bb from 18% to 14% or maybe even down to 10% ?? i understand its a solvent & keeps your batch from crashing so i know its a must. or is using EO & GSO (50/50) & ba 2% the way to go if i dont want to use so much BB?
EO is actually what will eat away at the rubber, bb will react with it and make the plunger softer but thats it. Yes you can brew without BB, but your limited to compounds like test E, nandrolone, and I think boldnone.
awesome, thanks for the post bro! so say i cook up some test E with just GSO & 2% BA and for some reason it crashes, i can reheat the batch & add some BB and see if it holds? or once it crashes its done and i should cook up a new batch?
Nope just reheat and if it still doesn't hold then add some BB. But i'm positive it will hold without BB unless it's some really high mg gear.
i was just reading thread on here & someone brought up bb and how some people dont react well with it and get flu like symptoms (at least they believed it to be caused by bb because when they did away w/it, the symptoms also went away)

I have had first hand experience with this.

First time it was from Balkan Nandrolona (UGL Deca) 200mg/ml. I was limping around for several days and had a mild flu like fever symptom.

Right around that time, I also tried Norma Hellas Deca 100mg/ml. Not sure if it was real human grade from Greece (or copy cats made in China or wherever), but I had good results without the excruciating pain and fever.

Then, I did Geneza Pharm Test Prop 100 (UGL). My strength gain was through the roof but so was the pain, which started around five hours post injection and last for nearly a week. The flu symptom was worse than the UGL Deca.

I didn't know what caused it, but I was pretty sure it was

1. not an infection, because the spot where I injected was not swelling nor red in color.

2. not a nerve that was pinned, because when I pinned, I felt no pain at all for the first five hours. (If it were a nerve that was pinned, I should have felt it right away.)

All I felt was this deep, constant, salt-on-an-open-wound kind of pain. I felt it around a small area on hip bones and joints (on the side that was pinned).

The day after, I went on the Geneza sponsored board and made a complaint, and a lot of the bros (and possible shills) blamed it on:

"virgin muscles"
"prop always hurt, bro"
"no pain no gain"
"you'll get used to it"


Of course, I didn't buy all that bullshit, so I went and Googled this topic and found from research articles and from other people's experiences that Benzyl Alcohol (BA) and Benzyl Benzoate (BB) were the likely culprits.
(If you're interested, I could link you to the research articles).

After that, I decided to test this theory out by evaporating the BA/BB through baking:

Boiling point 205 °C, 401 °F
Flash point (Evaporation) 93 °C (199 °F)

Boiling point 323 °C, 596 K, 613 °F
Flash point (Evaporation) 158 °C (316 °F)

This SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the post injection pain to the point where I was no longer felt "crippled" after each shot. :beertoast

But even with all this said, you should not take what's in the research articles and my words for it. TEST IT yourself! If you're doing your own homebrew, what you can do is make two small batches (10ml or so each). Then on one batch, use ba/bb as you or other people normally do. Then on another batch, don't use the ba/bb. And then just see the difference between the two.
EO is actually what will eat away at the rubber, bb will react with it and make the plunger softer but thats it. Yes you can brew without BB, but your limited to compounds like test E, nandrolone, and I think boldnone.

I have tried it without BA/BB, and it worked with Mast and Test prop as well. Both at around 100mg/ml.

The mast was a bit harder to dissolve completely, but it worked after I heated it using my microwave oven.
I know one thing from experience, you can't get Tren to hold without any BB in it. Shit crashes every time. Last batch I even tried like 1% BB and it crashed a bit
Certain compounds require bb. In reality you can add it to anything to help thin out your product. I pit 10% to 20% bb. In everything I make depending on the compound I'm working with
im just gonna try to go with GSO & 2% BA... since it'll just be test E @ 200mg/ML. if it crashes thats when ill add some BB... by the way, thanks to all that have posted!