Is converting your own worth it?


Iron Core
I was wondering if its even worth it to take the chance and home brew your own. I have used various products over the years. I first used alot of Mag 10 by biotest. I gained almost 30lbs from using so much but it was definitely a shot in the pocket but I am talking pretty big numbers. After the ban, I tried dbols but I popped those like candy, I ordered raw dbol power and TNE. I used those but I dont think they were very pure and diluted dbol powder in 151 just wasnt appealing. I than used QV Test Prop, Denkall Test400, and QV winstrol. I made massive gains and hit around 250lbs. I am currently 5'11 and I was not cut but I fit in 36 waist pants but my quads would literally rip my jeans when I bent down. I was having a hard time doing cardio, for instant I could run up the stairs and afterwards Id be almost dead out of breathe, but I could lift a truck. I gain weight very quickly while working out and eating as clean as I can. I think the Winstrol did a real good job on my joints, skull crushers and anything of that nature, along with my knees just hurt like a bastard.

QV is barely around, is it worth home brewing, Ive made my own TNE but it was suspension. I am looking into some Deca,Test Prop, and later down the road so EQ to cut down. I would like Primo but I am new to the market.
what types of powder are easy converted and dont crash.

Im looking into Deca, Prop, and Eq...... Ive made my own TNE suspension but thats up in the air. Are there more sides and less knowning how pure the substance is?
When you convert yourself, you are in control of part of the process. I guess you need to decide for yourself if you prefer to trust yourself more or place more trust in somebody else running some UG lab doing the same time.

Not a lot of prop fans in this forum, but it can be converted without much problem. Nandrolone deca and EQ aren't a problem. TNE looks like a bitch from what I've seen, so if you've done that then these other things should be a walk in the park.
This sounds more like a chance for you to tell us how big and strong you are rather than asking about homebrew...

Why all that extra introductory BS?

Home brew is the most economical way to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) if you plan on doing more than one cycle. So is it worth it? Yes.
wtf? I was the first to respond to this thread last night. Someone deleted my post????
Too messy. I stick wih my trusted UG mess yet still cheap. I just ruined 50 cc of Suspension th other night.
gator_mclusky said:
Too messy. I stick wih my trusted UG mess yet still cheap. I just ruined 50 cc of Suspension th other night.

yea, test susp. can be tricky depending on which method you use.
If you've done test suspension with no problem then anything with a long ester (or even test prop imo) will be c-a-k-e.
im new to the boards so I introduced myself and explained my delma as far as being out of lab gear, and I was wondering if its worth the homebrew as far as keeping it sterile and anyother associated problems, bascially i dont want to be popping dirty gear. I also introduced myself no one likes to reply to what I ask thats why I introduced my self.
at the height of my career at 250, I was leg pressing 1080lb x5, pressing 350lb, and my squats were close to 420lb, dead lifting was one my my strengths as well. With Mag 10 alot of my size came before strength with the Prop and t400 is where I gained brute strength, right now I am minimized to weak status.
Try this the following cycle costs less than $200.00 if home brewed.

60 ml Test E @ 250 mg/ml
40 ml EQ @ 300 mg/ml
20 ml Tren E @ 250 mg/ml
20 ml Deca @ 200 mg/ml

Approximate cost of the same cycle if purchased thru a reputable source....drum roll please.....approx $590.00

So in other words if you make it yourself it will cost you approximately 1/3 as much as if you just bought it pre-mixed. We all put so much effort in at the gym to get that last rep, to gain just one more pound. If you put a little effort in outside of the gym you can get 3 times as many cycles out of the same dollar.