is gh worth it now days or do I need to stick to my AAS

I don't trust UGL gh. I've been burned to many times with getting low grade crap, hcg and then getting my money took without receiving aNY product at all. It would be nice to be able to put trust in someone who comes thru like they claim to do.
I don't trust UGL gh. I've been burned to many times with getting low grade crap, hcg and then getting my money took without receiving aNY product at all. It would be nice to be able to put trust in someone who comes thru like they claim to do.

Just goggle Florida anti aging clinics or rejuvenation clinics.. You'll have legit hgh in no time
How do you know what's legit and what's not?

If a doctor writes you a script for hgh and sends that script to the pharmacy,, and the pharmacy sends it to you via fedex,, it's legit.

As for which clinics are legit-- you just gotta do your research like you would when choosing a doctor, car mechanic, etc..
The thing about HGH vs. AAS is you can only go so far with AAS. I mean it will not produce any new muscle cell growth. It only builds what you already have. So at some point you hit a wall. Some people this wall is sooner than others. So to take big physique like Big Ben's he might be at or near his limit even on high amounts of gear. For me I think I am getting close. I don't see a lot of size gains lately just more or less shaping what I have. So for this reason plus the skin improvements, the sleep pattern improvements, and the soft tissue repair benefits I am seriously considering it. But again the big question how much are you willing to shell out and are you certain its G2G?

For me I am still stuck on using that money on other things like cars, bikes, trips to the Caribbean. ect. I already look better than 99% of guys out there. I am never going to go pro at my age and size so why dump thousands just to get even freakier? If I were 10 years younger I would not even bat an eye I'd already be doing it. But for me I won't use it now unless I am certain its the real deal and only in small amounts like 2-3iu's a day.
How do you know what's legit and what's not?

What you could do is get a blood test and see your GH levels and then run the HGH you buy and get the test again and see where the levels are at. The problem is once you go through all that and you see its good there is no guarantee when you go to order more for the long haul if its the same batch or the same company who made it. Its a shady world we live in:)
I spent over 6bills for pharm grade 126iu and even at therapeutic doses its worth every penny just the sleep is worth it and it compliments my tren very well. My girl keeps complimenting how nice my skin looks and tells me i look different all the time. If you can afford it hell yes i know im gonna do whatever i have too to fund it (hint hint) ill do anything lol j.k maybe

I hope ur not insinuating g4p
What you could do is get a blood test and see your GH levels and then run the HGH you buy and get the test again and see where the levels are at. The problem is once you go through all that and you see its good there is no guarantee when you go to order more for the long haul if its the same batch or the same company who made it. Its a shady world we live in:)

I'm pretty sure the test is actually for IGF-1 levels and you go by that? But yeah, blood tests will confirm, or at least let you know whether it's glucose or HGH your pinning. I simply can not justifty the cost of HGH, at all.
Not to get too off topic but have u used insulin? Wouldn't slin with anabolics be cheaper than gh and provide more mass gains? I've never used the stuff myself I dont have any business with it at this point. I have heard slin is "the most anabolic hormone there is"

Interested to hear some thoughts on this. Although I am pretty sure u guys will say slin should be one of the last things ppl should get into on this journey as 1 fuck up can mean game over.
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Not to get too off topic but have u used insulin? Wouldn't slin with anabolics be cheaper than gh and provide more mass gains? I've never used the stuff myself I dont have any business with it at this point. I have heard slin is "the most anabolic hormone there is"

Interested to hear some thoughts on this. Although I am pretty sure u guys will say slin should be one of the last things ppl should get into on this journey as 1 fuck up can mean game over.

Different hormones with different uses. Insulin is mislabeled as being the "most anabolic hormone" simply because it's like a key to the locks on cells - allowing nutrients in. The problem with insulin is that it's an equal opportunity hormone, and it will gladly let those precious calories into your fat cells with open arms. Does it have a place? Sure. But I really don't think that anyone outside serious competition really *needs* it. That, and the whole pesky death thing if folks half-assed it like they do AAS cycles.

HGH *creates* (ok, has the propensity to) new cells instead of just making old ones grow larger/denser. It regenerates connective tissues, assists with fat mobilization, enhances sleep, and many other benefits that are unique to the hormone. This is also part of the reason why it's so highly sought after as it literally is a veritable fountain of youth. Which of course leads to douchebags that sell HCG powder or IGF powder at a crazy premium.