IS HCG on trt...really necessary?

It's a good starting point. Slightly less testosterone for the difference right? 150mg wk down to 120mg wk?

Dealing with labs . . .I would say compare their precision and then just always use the same place.
The only time that i ever dosed Hcg on trt was to stimulate progesterone for digestion.
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The only time that i ever dosed Hcg on trt was to stimulate progesterone for digestion.
Benefits of Progesterone – the Wonder Hormone

Podcast Transcription. ...
Hormone Imbalance Symptoms are Common After Childbirth. ...
Postpartum Depression. ...
Progesterone Helps Prevent Cancer. ...
Progesterone Helps with Thyroid Function. ...
Progesterone Helps You Sleep. ...
Progesterone for Moods, Anxiety and Panic Attacks. ...
Bioidentical Progesterone is the Natural Solution.

so you do not use hcg in trt? how do you feel? I feel more comfortable using it .... but I do not know if it's just a placebo effect
So OP, just wanted to make sure i read it right; you would go long periods on trt without hcg but then when u decided you wanted a kid u started taking it then BAM you got a baby on the way? I been debating whether to add hcg to my trt mainly based on the idea of if i want kids in the future or not. But reading the other posts gave me more to think of but the baby makin ability is still my main thought. Any more info on this or links would be great, but if its high jacking ur thread too much maybe some pm's?
guys, I with hcg I feel very good as energies of the body (better than with only T), but I have more mood swings and irascibility (more than with only T). I do not know whether to continue.
What is your experience in regards to the mood with hcg?
my progesterone it's in normal range before hcg, I test it.
So OP, just wanted to make sure i read it right; you would go long periods on trt without hcg but then when u decided you wanted a kid u started taking it then BAM you got a baby on the way? I been debating whether to add hcg to my trt mainly based on the idea of if i want kids in the future or not. But reading the other posts gave me more to think of but the baby makin ability is still my main thought. Any more info on this or links would be great, but if its high jacking ur thread too much maybe some pm's?

yes, I did years of trt without hcg, then when I decided to have children I started using it (500u 3 times a week) and after 3-4 months I put my wife into pregnancy. Repeated the same thing after a year and I made the second child.
Awesome thanks 4 the info. After an addiction when i got clean, even after 2 yrs, i didnt feel the same. I had no interest in relationships the gym nothin... Just t.v. but then i found i had low t. Felt good after 2 days after first t prop shot but thought i was sacrificing my chance 4 kids which didnt matter at the time i jerked off maybe 1x every 2 months n it was forced not cause i was in the mood but now im feelin good and have a good relationship and started thinking about it
yes, I did years of trt without hcg, then when I decided to have children I started using it (500u 3 times a week) and after 3-4 months I put my wife into pregnancy. Repeated the same thing after a year and I made the second child.
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based on my feelings (not fully proven by blood tests) taking 150mg of testosterone a week without hcg makes me have more strength than taking 125mg with 500u of hcg. With the dosage of 125 T and 500 hcg my feelings and results in terms of muscle mass and strength are the same as when I was on clomid. this means tha5t the level of T in the blood is roughly the same. With 150 T a week instead I have more results (minimum I'm not talking about 500 of Tx week)
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