Is it absolutely necessary to filter stealth injectables??


New member
Hi Guys,

Received 2 x 5ml test e stealth injectable sachets not too long ago, and transferred them into a sterile vial via all the recommended sterile techniques i.e. wore gloves, swabbed the sachets, use sterile/new syringes, pins etc

I'm now required to use the stealth test as I have run out of my previous test e (different lab) HOWEVER I have read from various source that its recommended to filter the compound before injecting into the vial.

I dont really have the time to do this anymore :( Is it absolutely necessary or should it still be g2g??

I would have filtered if I knew this before hand (new to AAS and research everything bar that point), but now I just dont have the time as I'm midway through the cycle.

Opinions anyone? I'm not going to get some terrible abscess or polio am I :( lol
I want to reply, but I've never used sachet AAS - so I don't want to give bad advice. Although, if it was me - I would buy the syringe filter and new vials and do it just to be safe. I don't think a couple days of waiting for supplies to arrive will hurt your cycle any since you're using enanthate. :p