Mr. Humdiddly
Knowledge Receptacle
Is it just me or has there been an outbreak of new members giving ridiculously stupid advice. I am not a vet nor do i claim to no even a tenth of what some of the peeps on this site know (Stonecold, teutonic, dadawg, kane, italiano, Det oak, 3J, to name a few), but one thing I do know is how to keep my mouth shut when I don't know enough to give advice.
I may be way out of line and if so I apologize, but my honest opinion is people who are new should spend their time reading the stickies and researching instead of running their mouth.
The admins and mods do a great job cleaning up this mess, but my point is they should not have too.
I apologize for the rant but, it had to be said.
I may be way out of line and if so I apologize, but my honest opinion is people who are new should spend their time reading the stickies and researching instead of running their mouth.
The admins and mods do a great job cleaning up this mess, but my point is they should not have too.
I apologize for the rant but, it had to be said.