With TRT. Weekly testosterone injections. How old are you?
What is your normal "natty" level? Do you know?
You say you are starting PCT.....well that means you did a cycle. Did you get bloodwork before your cycle? What were the results? What was your cycle? How long and dose?
We need to know how many cycles you've done, what your cycle was, and what your level was before this cycle. Please provide enough info to answer your question. I have a feeling you arent going to answer them and without those answers we are left to assume everything is about average.
I'm gonna play along......let's say you are 35 and your natty level is about 650 with no cycles under your belt. You're 5' 10" and you weigh 185 at about 17%body fat. You go to the gym about 3 times a week and workout for about 45 min each time.
Scenario #1 - you just finished the cycle in the beginner sticky and your gonna follow up with the pct. You now weigh 190 and your bfp is around 15%. With a proper pct you will return to a normal 650 about 5 weeks after pct is complete. And not going to the gym you will return to your previous weight and bfp. Sorry.....that's just how it works.
Scenario #2- you're doing a "PCT" but not really cuz ya haven't done a cycle you're just trying to get your natty level up. Wanna hear something funny???? I did this before I started cycling

So in this scenario your natty level will very likely go from 650 up into the 900s or more while taking the pct drugs.....mainly the clomid. A month after the drugs stop you will return to 650.
Scenario #3- you have cycled a couple times and done them without hcg or an AI. You have tried to pct before but never really stuck with it. Ok......well run your pct and pray your level returns to 650. It may not but it should. I've seen people lower their natty level with three cycles that were done right followed by PCTs that didn't look so great. 3 years clean they never returned to their former glory. Went from 600s to in the 300s. Sucks but that's the chance we take.
Scenario#4- you did some shitty cycles in high school and you feel that your 650 is low because of that. Let's say you're right. The pct could very well restore you to normal pituitary and testicular function.....and if your normal was supposed to be 900 then hurray you're there.
Now for the simple answer.....unless you were naturally in the 900s then you wont get there without drugs. You'll need a SERM or just straight up test injections. Anyone that tells you differently just hasn't done the bloodwork or seen the bloodwork of others. Tests conducted too close to cycle or pct are just inaccurate as hell. Give everything a minimum of 6 weeks and even do another follow up.
Good luck