is melanotan II a pde5 inhibitor?


New member
Been thinkin about giving melanotan II a try. I spend a lot of time outdoors at the beach etc. My skin burns more easily now that I'm older and I'd like a more even tan in general. I've also read that it is used as a pde5 inhibitor such as cialis. Is this true? Ive tried both cialis and viagra recreationally and both made my sinuses stopped up, headache, & brain fog. Anyone w personal experiences I'd appreciate
PDE5 inhibitor, no - possibly increase ability to achieve and maintain an erection, yes. The sexual effects are actually still being studied by pharmaceutical companies in order to bring it to market as MTII has not been approved by the FDA for human use.
Melanotan II is great for fair-skinned people like myself. It really is a god-send. I use it every summer. Love it.

And it does have that nice benefit of increased libido. That's a result of pt-141.
Melanotan II is great for fair-skinned people like myself. It really is a god-send. I use it every summer. Love it.

And it does have that nice benefit of increased libido. That's a result of pt-141.

Have you had any sides from it? Sounds like it doesn't necessarily inhibit pde5 per say but cialis and viagra give me a few sides that I was hoping to avoid
Have you had any sides from it? Sounds like it doesn't necessarily inhibit pde5 per say but cialis and viagra give me a few sides that I was hoping to avoid

Start off with small dosages so you don't get nauseous. Too much mt2 will make you sick. I start off at .5mg/day and I take at night so if there is an issue i sleep through it. But .5mg isn't a problem. I take that for the 1st week then go to 1mg/day then after that I just take 1mg week for maintenance.
Start off with small dosages so you don't get nauseous. Too much mt2 will make you sick. I start off at .5mg/day and I take at night so if there is an issue i sleep through it. But .5mg isn't a problem. I take that for the 1st week then go to 1mg/day then after that I just take 1mg week for maintenance.

Same. Just a little upset tummy, but I kept my doses small too.
I used MTII all last summer... initially I had approx. two weeks of spontaneous and random boners that I had no control of whatsoever. Often embarrassing, as they were real stone-breakers!

I got a tad nauseous for the first couple of days, but that soon left, just take it before bed.

As for the tan, fantastically deep and even nut brown colour, although if you have any moles, sun spots or blemishes, they will stand out like a sore thumb. Be sure to moisturise regularly too.

Whether it could be used on a par with Cialis, I very much doubt it... the boners literally came from nowhere and died off after a fortnight.

Never had any issues whatsoever with stuffy nose or blocked sinuses, and I am normally very susceptible to this.

I'll be using it again this summer for sure.