Is my body type ready for steroids? (pics)


New member
Ok. So i've lost around 3 stone in the last 5 months. Worked really hard, cleaned up my diet. All the weight loss was through heavy lifting, no cardio and mainly cleaning up my diet! Eating around maintenance seemed to loose weight and gain muscle, i put this down to noob gains. Below are pictures of me very recently. I am still over weight, however finding it incredibly hard to shift the remaining fat.

My question is, is it safe to take steroids now? I've spent countless hours researching and will do more. I'm considering just Test-e with appropriate post cycle therapy (pct). I fear i have a mild case of gyno and i am concerned about this getting worse, is this something i should worry about (please refer to pics) My goal is to lean up and at least retain my muscle, if not gain. My diet is in good shape, eating around 500 cals above maintenance of good clean food.

Thoughts? Oh and aged 22, 6"3. Weighing 15 stone.
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Purely based off your pics, to answer your question... no. Please provide age, stats, years training, and goals. Thanks.
Cheers did try to tag but just displayed the codes and not the images. All info (age, stats, and goal is in the OP) Years training is 1 year heavy lifting. I was 18.5 stone prior to my current weight and i have hit a block recently with no progression.
If you've only been in the gym for 5 months, you're begging for an injury by using AAS. You'll be in a much better position after another year of hitting it hard and heavy in the gym to run anabolic substances. Congratulations on the weight loss so far, but as you've seen - it does get harder once you get leaner. Keep up with the resistance training and get that diet perfected. You'll be ready in no time. :)

My .02c :cool:
Ok cheers fellas. I'll drop the idea until i get my body fat down. Getting frustrated as not losing or gaining at the moment, need to find something to help me continue to cut up, hence thinking about the steroids!
Ok cheers fellas. I'll drop the idea until i get my body fat down. Getting frustrated as not losing or gaining at the moment, need to find something to help me continue to cut up, hence thinking about the steroids!

Consult 3j for a diet plan, I'm sure if you follow one of his plans you'll lose the weight.

Don't juice till you got a solid base, below 15 bf and diet in check. Oh wait, and a few more good years of training.
Hey fella's. Seems like he might be a good candidate for Austin's fat loss stack, on top of diet and cardio. What are y'all's thoughts?
hit the gym 5 times a week go all out and eat clean food and get 1.5 grams of protein per pound and learn how to do all the lifts correctly. To be honest you do not look like you work out at all. I don't care if that sounds mean but it is true you have a long ways to go. You seem to have decent bone structure though. But I recommend you spend 6 months of religious border line obsessive training and focusing on the right nutritional needs to build muscle. Steroids will rob you of natural gains you could make with out them at the level you are at right now. Steroids are not a magic answer you might get a little bigger from water retention. But on their own with out the right food and work out schedule they will make you loose muscle in the end. I would give it a year of hard core working out getting a personal trainer and learning about steroids and nutrition before you even consider jumping on steroids or pro hormones. Or even a test booster. In my opinion with hard core working out 5 times a week with correct form and great nutrition you can make a very noticeable difference in just 3 months of keeping consistent. At the 6 month point it is a transformation at the year point it is a entirely new physique. The key to success is not ever giving up and keeping a constistant schedule of nutrional meals and workouts. To many people go all out for 2 weeks are sore as fuck and have poor nutrition and quit. Just start out slow build your way up to heavy weights and make sure you eat the foods that dictate your goals. Like a cutting diet or a bulking diet. And I highly recommend whey isolate protein at about 40 grams immediately after a work out with about 60 grams of fast dissolving healthy carbs, also a bcaa drink while working out. A good pre work out drink also before working out can give the motivation and energy to actually get into the gym. Multi vitamins are a very important piece of the equation to. A night time protein shake called casein protein at about 40 grams before bed will keep your muscles from going catabolic also. Take my advice and you will be ready to do steroids In one year if you follow that plan to the T. As long as you are around 23 to 24 in a year from now.
Stay clear of AAS and get a few more years of solid training in. That will give you a solid foundation, along with much more knowledge of training. Like said by all the others: diet will play the major factor in fat loss.
I recommend taking the money you would have spent on a cycle and get a nutritionalist to lay out a plan for you: 3j has helped many on here with diet plans and throughout his post.

Who knows after a few years of solid diet/training you might not even want to mess with AAS, but if you still do you'll see far better gains.
Ok cheers fellas. I'll drop the idea until i get my body fat down. Getting frustrated as not losing or gaining at the moment, need to find something to help me continue to cut up, hence thinking about the steroids!

cut out sugar that goes for fruit and eat only dense carbs and go in a 500 cal deficit and get some HIIT every day in the morning before your breakfast and see how that works out for you
cut out sugar that goes for fruit and eat only dense carbs and go in a 500 cal deficit and get some HIIT every day in the morning before your breakfast and see how that works out for you

Sorry Skinnypete but sugar, carbs, and fruit don't need to be cut out. Sugar in moderation is no problem when included in an appropriate meal plan, fruit is self-explanatory but what bad things can you even say about fruit???, and carbs isn't what's makes him fat or skinny. HIIT before breakfast has zero advantages in his present state when compared to HIIT at any other time of day and HIIT itself doesn't need to be the source of cardio if he wishes to perform cardio.