Is my Test Prop g2g?


New member
I have been researching for a long time and have spent alot of time and money on my brewing equipment. My package came of test propianate powder and I was excited like a little kid. But Im skeptical if its legit at this point.

1)From what I have heard it smells piney or fruity, even a bubble gum type smell. Some on this forum even say a bubblegum smell so strong it burns your nose. My propianate dosnt smell like anything, maybe if anything it smells like the slightest hint of chemical of some sort but very very faint.
2)Others say its a crystal like look with a sugar like texture. Mine might look a little like sugar but its more of a light fluffy powder like substance.

I posted a pic so you can let me know what you think. It came in a clear ziplock type bag within another bag and the outer bag had a white sticker with TP written on it. This is my 3rd attempt, first try was salt, second attempt nothing came but a response saying your atleast lucky I sent you nothing instead of poison.

Have you ever had real prop that had no smell? Does no smell mean it could be real but probably cut or way underdoesed? Or have you ever had prop that was really good with no smell? And what texture should I be looking for? Thanks for your help, let me know what you think. Being really underdosed is just as bad as fake to me because I am tired of underdosed gear hints why Im getting into brewing.
(I cant brew it yet cause Im waiting on some filters and a digi. Im also on an axio sus450/npp cycle so I wont really be able to pin and see. By the way IMO Axio is very poor gear and I would never use it again.
Yes axio has been slipping for a long time now. Wait until you see the pics of where it was brewed, fucking gross. I've never had prop but what you descibed of HOW it should be is correct. I cant believe you got burned like that on the others. Have you checked the melting point?
no I havent, From what I have read is your typical oven isnt accurate enough. My oven gos as low as 170 degrees. Should I put a little dry powder in a spoon and for how long does it usually take to melt?Also what temp should I try? I also sent you a PM If you didnt read it yet. As always thanks again chris!
Doesn't have the waxy look bro..
Sorry to tell you.. but it COULD be fake.
No smell, no waxy look.... pretty strange man
Doesn't have the waxy look bro..
Sorry to tell you.. but it COULD be fake.
No smell, no waxy look.... pretty strange man

I was always under the impression that only test he was waxy. I have never heard of this description with propianate??? Im in no means trying to insinuate that you dont know what your talking about but just wanted to here another take. Thanks for taking the time to chime in though man.
I was always under the impression that only test he was waxy. I have never heard of this description with propianate??? Im in no means trying to insinuate that you dont know what your talking about but just wanted to here another take. Thanks for taking the time to chime in though man.

Your correct, as you said prop is more of a crystal/grainy type powder with a lot higher melting point than E.
Props melting point is about 244 f while test E is around 93 f which is wht]y E sometimes comes melted.

MCMOW, there are ways to use a conventional oven by getting the temp between heat cycles while using a digi thermometer.
Check out b a s s k i l l e r o n l i n e . c o m
He has tons of coversions, but also has a step by step with using your oven. It will give you the general idea. It's at the bottom of the page in the steroid conv section.
I always thought my test prop smelt like nothing until someone said theirs smelt like bubblegum then when I smelt my prop powder to see... I suddenly smelt bubblegum, could be in my head.
Grainy like sugar but NO PINEY smell!!!! Thats Test E!!!!
Not nearly as grainy as sugar, much less than that but still has a little bit of a crystaline glimmer here and there.
Sounds like you got the real thing this time. Do a melt point test on it.
Here is how you do that more accurately!!!
GO TO THE STORE RIGHT NOW! Buy you a good thermometer that ranges up to 250 degree C!!!!! Not F... C
Take you a peice of tinfoil about 2 inch wide, 4 inch long and wrap the tip of the thermometer with it to end up making a cup right atop the thermometer end!!! This cup just needs to be very small. Drop a very small amount of the powder (spec) on this cup section and hold over or on the BURNER of your stove. Watch the temp raise, if raising to fast then your melt points will not be correct. Have to hold it where the temp is not skyrocketting once you're getting close to the melting points of each compound cause if it is skyrocketting then you are really not at the temp it's reading when it's reading it.

If this is confusing then I will post some step by step pics later if you request. This is a very accurate way to test once you get it down and understand the parameters of the thermometer. A thermometer can be 200 degree C and still be reading 60 degree because it takes the mercury a bit to catch up. The slower the temp raises the more accurate it is.
Damn giving me flash backs of the mid 1980's :p glad those days are long gone.

Just for the record, prop is the least faked of the powders out there so usually a good bet.

Yes axio has been slipping for a long time now. Wait until you see the pics of where it was brewed, fucking gross. I've never had prop but what you descibed of HOW it should be is correct. I cant believe you got burned like that on the others. Have you checked the melting point?

That is hilarious!! I remember axio posting pics of their "LAB" and it showed guys in white coats with surgical masks working around Machinery that easily costs into the 10's of thousands.

Truth came out that it was made in a storage building. A dirty storage building.

I would rather some kid be making it in his kitchen and taking as many precautions as he can.

Axio's strength was in their site reps who would do many contests and give away 2 or so vials to many people. People like that and it built a relationship and they would then order up! Wht did it cost axio to make 2 vials in their shed? A buck per vial?
I always thought my test prop smelt like nothing until someone said theirs smelt like bubblegum then when I smelt my prop powder to see... I suddenly smelt bubblegum, could be in my head.
Grainy like sugar but NO PINEY smell!!!! Thats Test E!!!!
Not nearly as grainy as sugar, much less than that but still has a little bit of a crystaline glimmer here and there.
Sounds like you got the real thing this time. Do a melt point test on it.
Here is how you do that more accurately!!!
GO TO THE STORE RIGHT NOW! Buy you a good thermometer that ranges up to 250 degree C!!!!! Not F... C
Take you a peice of tinfoil about 2 inch wide, 4 inch long and wrap the tip of the thermometer with it to end up making a cup right atop the thermometer end!!! This cup just needs to be very small. Drop a very small amount of the powder (spec) on this cup section and hold over or on the BURNER of your stove. Watch the temp raise, if raising to fast then your melt points will not be correct. Have to hold it where the temp is not skyrocketting once you're getting close to the melting points of each compound cause if it is skyrocketting then you are really not at the temp it's reading when it's reading it.

If this is confusing then I will post some step by step pics later if you request. This is a very accurate way to test once you get it down and understand the parameters of the thermometer. A thermometer can be 200 degree C and still be reading 60 degree because it takes the mercury a bit to catch up. The slower the temp raises the more accurate it is.

I'd be very interested in this step by step starks if u don't mind putting the time into it. Would be some good learning and I've got some powders here I actually wouldn't mind doing this with
Stark, I got a digi termometer and foil as you said. It seemed to of started to melt around 230F. After it cooled it looked kind of like melted foggy wax or dried cum. When I scraped it off with my finger nail, it turned back into a powder but seemed to be more tiney crystal like as I was expecting it to look like. When melted it had more of a suttle burnt plastic like smell. Also do you think that the less bubble gum smell/ weeker the smell the weeker the prop is? Have you ever had good prop that smelled like nothing? Thanks in advance for the help, and anyone else feel free to chime in.
Stark, I got a digi termometer and foil as you said. It seemed to of started to melt around 230F. After it cooled it looked kind of like melted foggy wax or dried cum. When I scraped it off with my finger nail, it turned back into a powder but seemed to be more tiney crystal like as I was expecting it to look like. When melted it had more of a suttle burnt plastic like smell. Also do you think that the less bubble gum smell/ weeker the smell the weeker the prop is? Have you ever had good prop that smelled like nothing? Thanks in advance for the help, and anyone else feel free to chime in.

Sorry guys for the delay in answers here...
Animal: I will post step by step and pics showing my technique with real test prop powder. I'll have to do it tomorrow as I am away from the lab (lol) for the night!!!

To the OP's q's: Sounds like you have real test P bro, that sounds right, I don't have a converter on hand and don't do much by degree's F so if that matches up with degrees C then you're GTG. If not then my advise is to ditch the DIGI thermo and go with a good ole fashion "FICSHER" brand thermo, they are very accurate as long as you bring your temp up slowly.
I tell you man as far as the smell goes. You don't base purity on smell. For us, melting is the only way to test purity. If something is severely cut down, first off, the supplier has to find a product that will Not change the color, texture, smell and lastly the melting point and to be honest, meeting all those criteria is very difficult. Since most people who rip people off want and rather it to look right, usually the melting point of something combined with another something will change drastically for the projected melt point!!! Hence, your prop melts at 20 degree lower than the actual melt point that means the cutter melted at a very very much lower point than prop and leads to the assumption that your product is very unpure.
Also, look for uneven melting!!! If the product starts melting but clumps remain and then 20 degrees later the clumps start melting and one of those temps was close to your melt point then you have two compounds there and your product is impure!!!
I'll post as best of a demonstration of this tomorrow.
You guys PM me as late tonight as you can so hopefully I'll get it in the morning and I will see the PM's and remember to do that!