Just wondering what change in PIP means....
I am on week 9 of Test-E only injections.
Have been using my quads only - alternating (ya I know I should be hitting other spots but find them hard to reach).
First 8 weeks were on one brand x of test-e. I was getting *some* PIP slight discomfort, but by 2nd day pretty much gone.
I then switched to a new brand y of test-e and my first 2 shots it's like painful to walk and sore a week after? Why would explain such a difference in pip between 2 different labs? They are both enanthate.. I switched because I suspected brand x might be underdosed. Could it be that brand y is more legit dosage wise?
Does more test cause more pip? more curious than anything.
I am on week 9 of Test-E only injections.
Have been using my quads only - alternating (ya I know I should be hitting other spots but find them hard to reach).
First 8 weeks were on one brand x of test-e. I was getting *some* PIP slight discomfort, but by 2nd day pretty much gone.
I then switched to a new brand y of test-e and my first 2 shots it's like painful to walk and sore a week after? Why would explain such a difference in pip between 2 different labs? They are both enanthate.. I switched because I suspected brand x might be underdosed. Could it be that brand y is more legit dosage wise?
Does more test cause more pip? more curious than anything.