Is PIP an idicator of good gear?


New member
Just wondering what change in PIP means....

I am on week 9 of Test-E only injections.
Have been using my quads only - alternating (ya I know I should be hitting other spots but find them hard to reach).

First 8 weeks were on one brand x of test-e. I was getting *some* PIP slight discomfort, but by 2nd day pretty much gone.

I then switched to a new brand y of test-e and my first 2 shots it's like painful to walk and sore a week after? Why would explain such a difference in pip between 2 different labs? They are both enanthate.. I switched because I suspected brand x might be underdosed. Could it be that brand y is more legit dosage wise?

Does more test cause more pip? more curious than anything.
Nope, PIP doesn't really mean anything aside from the fact that there is probably either short esters at play or a higher BA/BB percentage in the vial. Okay, technically it can, but we're talking about HUGE concentrations like 400mg/mL or more - but that is also because it requires far more BA to dissolve it and keep it stable. ;)

Sorry brother, you're just going to have to wait it out and see as you aren't getting labs done.

My .02c :)
LOL seriously. If your lab is good then you shouldn't even have PIP unless its high concentrations or in a virgin muscle. I don't care what people say, well made prop or ace shouldn't even have much PIP at all in a non-virgin muscle.
LOL seriously. If your lab is good then you shouldn't even have PIP unless its high concentrations or in a virgin muscle. I don't care what people say, well made prop or ace shouldn't even have much PIP at all in a non-virgin muscle.

Meat head whatever lab you are running gear from must be pretty damn good since it gives no PIP and after seeing your pics in the summer cut thread.
Pinning is a art form. I thought I had it down tell I read all the techniques on here and I realized all I had down was the ability to put a needle in my ass cheek ha ha ha ha.
Yea funny how some go great and others with the same brand, same stuff acts completely different next time...may just be the