It has been a minute...

Mr. Humdiddly

Knowledge Receptacle
Salutations my friends,

A relatively exuberant degree of time has passed since my cyclic (or conscionable if you prefer) compositions have been relegated to these forums.

Some might say an annotation is due regarding my absence. I can cogitate the innate human desire for clarity.

Long story short. I was working in a restricted DOD lab far the past 14 months with no outside contact.

My elation with regards to re-introduction into this forum is derisory at best. I hope to once again being a valued member of our community here at ology.

So to all my brothers...


Translation: It is fucking good to be back.
Let me get a fucking dictionary so I can understand what the fuck you're talking about.


once gain... it's you, read the rules.
The rules are as follows;

No personal attacks
No flaming
No racism, includes color, race, religion, creed, sexuality
No derogatory comments about men/women in sexist way
No racist or derogatory words used for describing people

In case you're not sure, use your brain. We want to keep this place friendly; we don't want to spend most of our time cleaning this place up.

Violators will receive one and only one warning, second offense is punishable with banning.

Please, keep this place for clean chat of any subject, hobbies, films, relationships, family, anything really as long as its clean.

you have to be a gentlman here. or post in the other sides of the board... i don't know.

pointing the lack in the language used by members could be offending , have you thought about that?

Mr. Humdiddly is a nice guy. see his rep... it talks by itself.
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Welcome back, Looking forward to your postings, ran across some old threads and have seen your name many times.