Its That Time! "Human to BEAST"


Active member
Sup Guys.
it's that time. I am going to transform into an animal by the end of this cycle

w1-4 DBOL 40mg...30mg for the first 4 days

w1-5 Test E (550mg)

w6 -15 Sustanon (800mg)

w16-18 Test Prop (525mg)

w1-13 Deca (375mg) - edit: stopped the deca week 7

w8-11 TBol (60mg/d)

w4-19 Aromasin 12.5mg eod (will raise to ed if estro or prolactin sides occur) - edit: week 8 raised to ed

w8-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu 2x week
(figuring out how to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during PCT)

w19-22 Clomid 100/50/50/50
w19-22 Nolva 40/40/20/20

STATS: Height- 5'9
Weight- 175lbs Even
BF Estimation- 13-14%

GOALS: By the end of this cycle I would like to maintain a weight of 190-195 and be at 12% BF or less!


(it wont be exactly the same, but very similar as far as macro's go.)

going back to a 3 day split.

day1-Chest Tri's / 45 Minutes low intensity cardio
day2-Back Bi's
day3-Legs Shoulders
day4-45 minute low intensity cardio


Took my first shots 30 mins ago. I put .7ml of Deca (Geneza) into my delt, I had a huge muscle spasm and it feels like I got hit with a bat right now hehe (must have hit a nerve) I also shot 1.1
ml of Test (Ambrowave) into my other delt and it went super smooth. I can't even tell I had a shot there right now.

Well I'm off to go push some fucking weight! I'm so amped right now! YEAH

anyone got any suggestions or questions feel free to chyme in.
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Is this your first cycle? if so thats a lot to put into your body, 17 weeks and all.

this is my 3rd cycle, although I don't really count my first one as a real cycle. first was
Anavar 40mg w1-5
and second was test that was underdosed for 9 weeks prbably around 300mg week and TBol and Var 40mg each for about 5 weeks.
You might want to consider some more in your post cycle therapy (pct) since the cycle is rather long. I'd throw in aromasin @ 12.5eod and nolva 40/40/20/20 as well to be on the safe side. Also most would say Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) e3d not e4d. Other than that looks g2g my friend. Im sure you're going to blow up on this one!!

Good luck!
I hope so..I can assure you I am going to be giving it all I got!
So you think just run the aromasin weeks 2-23 instead of stopping a week before post cycle therapy (pct).
I wasn't gonna run Nolva because of the Deca, but being that I'm stopping the deca week 13 and wont be starting post cycle therapy (pct) till week 20 I think I'm gonna pick up some Nolva too now.
Bring on the MASS baby!
I'm gonna run aromasin through post cycle therapy (pct) too. But didn't you just get done with ur last cycle last month? is this to soon for another?

I looked it up and you were doing post cycle therapy (pct) in Jan, when were you finished with your post cycle therapy (pct) from last cycle? And by no means am I trying to tell you what to do, but maybe someone out there can give some info on when its safe to start up again between cycles.

Oh and good luck bro! I hope you get better gains from this one.
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I'm gonna run aromasin through post cycle therapy (pct) too. But didn't you just get done with ur last cycle last month? is this to soon for another?

I looked it up and you were doing post cycle therapy (pct) in Jan, when were you finished with your post cycle therapy (pct) from last cycle? And by no means am I trying to tell you what to do, but maybe someone out there can give some info on when its safe to start up again between cycles.

Oh and good luck bro! I hope you get better gains from this one.
Thanks, Yes you'e right, I finished post cycle therapy (pct) for my last cycle a little over 30 days ago. Techincally I should take another 1-2 months off, but being that my gear was so underdosed, and my bloodwork came back great, I decided it would be ok to get on a little early.
im real surprised how fast my cholesterol and testosterone recovered. Only 2 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) my total test was at 690ng
Day 4
SHIT, I just had the worst injection..actually injections ever. I loaded up 1.8ml of test and deca and tried to shoot my glute, but the pin kept sliding out.. I got about .5 in there..changed needles and stuck my quad, leg started twitching, swelling and cramping up about .5 in there..changed pinz AGAIN and just finished it off with my I'm stickin to delts from here on out. Holy shit my quad hurts right now. Is it normal to be real swollen right after the injection?

Aside from that bullshit..I had a strong chest tri's w/o this morning. Strength isn't up yet, but I felt more intense in the gym.. Might be placebo, But it's a good feeling none the less.

Bumped up the DBol to 40mg today. I will stay at 40 for the remainder of it. Just got back from a back and biceps workout, and definatly had a solid pump goin on. Strength doesn't seem to be up yet, but the pump felt a bit stronger.
I'm starting to feel my intensity increasing as well.
Really looking forward going into week 2!
hopefully you won't have the issues like you had last time with the questionable omnas
hopefully you won't have the issues like you had last time with the questionable omnas

yeah..I'm a little more certain of my gear this hopefully no issues like the last cycle..I'll get bloods done around week 6-8 and I'll test myself for the deca also, just to be sure.
DAY 7 - End of Week 1
so week one's coming to a wrap today.
here is a recap of the effects so far.

WEIGHT: I weighed in at 178lbs (Up 3 lbs from the start)

VASCULARITY: Up slightly I am noticing more veins in my forearms, and my bicep veins are getting slightly thicker.

STRENGTH: I haven't increased any of my lifts yet, and today was only cardio, so I will get a better judge on this category next week. Aside from that my pumps are feeling stronger, especially on my arms.

SIDES: I am feeling a bit more aggresive, but It's a good thing, and I'v been focusing it on the gym..It might just be me though, Im kinda always that
Something for concern though, is that I'm getting an acne flare up, I'v been battling bacne, and it seems to be getting a little worse since I started.
I also got about 4 or 5 pimples sprung up I my face, and my face is always clear..I picked up some Clearasil, Cetaphil and some other 10% something medication, so Im hoping to kill it by next week.
My BP is up slightly, but not a cause for concern. I will be keeping the sodium low. I will also be starting Aromasin at 12.5 mg eod, but I think im going to wait till week 3.
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Day 10
Worked legs n shoulders today..Had a strong workout, but I still haven't increased any of my lifts. I will start to add weight going into week 3. I like to get more reps with weight I'm comfortable with before I add more.
Havent weighed in since day 7, but I feel like I may have gained a little in the last few days.
I'll post up my wieght, and some lifts at the end of week 2!
DAY 14- End Of Week 2

finished up my second week today
just a little summary of whats goin on..

WEIGHT: Weighed myself on 3 diff scales this morning at the gym and got 3 diff weights, so I gotta buy a legit scale tomorrow and get a weigh in. Overall I am feeling a little bit fuller though and feel like I may have gained a few pounds.

VASCULARITY: Its still continuing to be better. Week 1 my forearm veins and bicep veins were thicker.. Today during chest I noticed 2 veins in my pec that I haden't seen since last that's a good sign.

STRENGTH: I started feeling the DBol working this week. I first noticed it during Bi's, when I increased the weight from 45 to 50 for DB curls and it still felt light. Today with chest I DB benched 85's for 4 sets and got 8 reps each time, when last week I would only get around 4 reps for the last set or two.
85 lbs seems light, but once I get a spotter I will be going much heavier.
I was getting about 6 reps with the 100's last cycle, and hope to get up the 110's on this cycle, maybe even the 120's.

SIDES: Still feeling a bit more intense, but nothing major. Acne is around the same..I'll start tanning twice a week tomorrow. Other than that nothing to report, no gyno, no hair-loss..I still haven't started aromasin, and I'm still debating on when to start it.