Its That Time! "Human to BEAST"

DAY 87

I had a really fucked up last few days..pretty much the whole week. Just got a lot of shit goin on, wasn't really able to eat much this week, probably lost a few pounds, and didn't get to the gym enough.
Basically binge drank the whole weekend, and Im feeling pretty shitty right now. The drinking really takes a big toll on your body when your on cycle, and I hope my insides are doing alright, cause it sure don't feel like it right now. I can see a noticible difference in the last week, I look as if I shrank a bit.
Gonna do my best to clear the brain and get back on track tommorow
DAY 88

Back on track for the first time in the last few days.
My head's a mess, but who wants to hear bout that shit. :flamingma
My diet was good today and I got back in the gym.
I hit my chest, and didn't go super heavy because I felt a little shaky, so I did a light weight high volume workout and HOLY SHIT, I blasted through the reps like nothing. Weight that used to feel heavy to me, just feels light and I put up more reps with that weight than I ever have before.
I didn't weigh myself because I know I lost a little bit, but I will get a wiegh in, in the next few days.
2 weeks and counting from my vacation, so it's crunch time.
I am NO WHERE near what I wanted to be for this, but it's cool, I look much better than I did last summer, and I'm real happy with my physique.
DAY 111

Haven't updated in a while.
cycle is still going. running 750mg sust/week

Just got back from vacation today. Best fucking time of my life. Wasn't able to eat or train right but it's cool, I'll back on track tommorow.
Havent got a weigh in but I definatly lost a few pounds this week. I am looking leaner than I ever have before though so It's cool.
I will be ending the cycle in a week or two, and am debating bridging DBol to PCT, we'll see.
Ill get some pics up soon too!
You still running tren bro? Tomorrow I'll be two weeks into my first bout with tren. I'd love to hear what your experiencing bro!
You still running tren bro? Tomorrow I'll be two weeks into my first bout with tren. I'd love to hear what your experiencing bro!

only ran it for 4 weeks. first week at 50mg eod, and 3 weeks at 100mg eod. To be honest I didn't notice anything too much. I started the tren when I came off TBol, and wasn't able to make any strength gains, but at the same time my strength stayed very stable despite coming off the oral.
I stayed pretty lean, but that was because of my diet.
Next go around I will be trying a different brand of tren

what lab are you running, noticing anything so far?
what lab are you running, noticing anything so far?

Provela. Good question. Started right out of the get go by running 100mg eod, strength seems to be progressing and I'm getting stretch marks in new places so that must mean I'm growing. Weight seems to be sticking around the same numbers, but I feel like I'm adding good LBM and getting good recomp out of this
hey bro how did that gyno problem go?

whats good bro?
Funny you ask, because after I stopped the letro a few weeks ago I went back to 25mg aromasin ed, and it's been under control, lumps shrunk, and senitivity was still there, but not bad at all.

4 days ago I went back down to 12.5mg Aromasin ed and the lumps and sensitivity are back like BANG! that quickly, so I started letro again today at .75mg e3d along with the aromasin 12.5. I will be ending the cycle in the next week or two though, so it's pretty much under control, I just hope I dont have a bad flare up during PCT, but it's visually not noticible, just the sensitivity bother me, especially when I play football and the ball is pressed against my nips lol!
yesterday was my last shot of test. I will be starting pct in 17 days.
cycle went well. Im battling a little acne right now though.
Nips feel better since starting the letro again a few days ago.
Im still running hcg and will continue to do so for another 2 weeks.
not looking forward to PCT..looking forward to next cycle.
post cycle therapy (pct)

Started post cycle therapy (pct) today.
I am runnning clomid and nolva 100/50/50/50 and 40/20/20/20
I am noticing my strength in the gym is already declining. Kind of sucks, but I'm pushing through it.
I finished this cycle about 3 pounds less than when I started but I recomped nicely, and it's weird becuase I am a lot bigger and a lot wider, also my V shape is the best it's ever been. I look a lot better, so I have no idea how I am lighter lol but I'm fine with that for now.
My muscles look a lot more defined and harder.
Vascularity has droped off a little bit in the last week or so.
I am keeping the calories high, and trying to mantain this weight, because I really don't want to get any lighter.
As for the gyno I was experiencing, it's tottaly gone, lumps are gone as well as sensitiviy. I took some letro at .75mg e3d and that zapped it completly.
Only real con to report is the breakouts. My bacne is real bad and I'v tried everything under the sun to help it, but it doesn't want to get better, only worse. I will be trying accutane now hat I'm off cycle if I can't get this better by the time I'm done with post cycle therapy (pct)
Keep your head in the game bro, and keep pushing to get that strength back, hope you figure the backne out cause accuntane blows man. I don't know if anyone of ya'll have seen the lawfirm commercials but some peeps got some seriously bad immune diseases years after accutane because of it, I for one still have the back pain when I go to bed. Shit dried me out so much it burned to sweat. Keep working for the V brother!
PCT Day 5

This PCT is really taking a toll on me. Last cycle wasn't so bad, but I can definatly tell the diference on this one.
I guess it's becuase I ran a lot stronger compounds, not to mention two 19-nor's, so it's my fault.
Last week or so, training has been a seriouse challenge. Im super fatigued after only 3 or 4 sets. Really missing the anabolic feeling right about now.
I just keep telling myself it's part of the game, so Im working through it. Fuck it, i'll be back to normal in a few weeks.
PCT can really take the confidence out of you if you let it!
very true bro! I found that taking a no pre workout helped alot, and I also got on a otc test boaster, lower the weights some and keep going bro!
post cycle therapy (pct) Day 10

very true bro! I found that taking a no pre workout helped alot, and I also got on a otc test boaster, lower the weights some and keep going bro!

Your right surf I picked up some superpump, and it seems to give me a little energy boost, Ill probably grab some creatine in the next few days also. My libido seems to be returning slowly as well.
Now for the bad news...I am fucking shrinking. I never wanted to lose this much weight, and I'm having a super hard time maintaining where I'm at. I gotta figure somthing out, becuase my diet just isn't cutting it I guess. Iv lost a LOT of visual gains in the last 3-4 weeks. Probably not noticible to others, but it is big to me.
Well back to natty training for a little while till the next one.....guess this logs pretty much wrapping up, I'll update one last time when I finish post cycle therapy (pct) or if I can manage to get some bloodwork done.

This pic was the last week of my cycle. I weighed about 175-177 pounds I think. You might be thinking I should be bigger for the gear I ran, but keep in mind I weighed 120 pounds only 3 1/2 years ago
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bro I got up to 175-177 and now I'm down to 170, I am still trying to figure that one out for my next cycle. But my girl took a pic of me the other day and I have to say the guns are still looking good! lol so fuck it bro don't worry about the scale right now. you'll put it back on after post cycle therapy (pct) is over
You can keep your gains bro just eat every two hours!!!!! force yourself, why go through all that work just to lose your gains. eat eat eat-its not to late.