Its That Time! "Human to BEAST"

DAY 60

had a shitty chest workout yesterday. Almost dropped the fucking barbell on my chest. Don't know why, but I felt very shaky. Today I felt absolutly amazing though. Once again I upped the weight on my back W/O and felt stronger than ever.
14th day on TBol and I gotta say this shit is amazing to me I wish I could stay on it for ever.
My vascularity is just fucking SICK!!! I am seeing veins coming out in my pecs better than ever and my forearms are like spiderwebs.

When I started the TBol I also dropped my calories down a little bit, and I seem to be leaning out nicely. Im liking it so far, and I haven't lost any weight on the scale. You can see in the pic below that I am a lot less bloated than the one I took on day 42 check it out.
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thanks guys!
I am in week 9 right now, and this cycle is planned to go 18 weeks, It might run 19 depending on how I feel and If I have gear leftover.
Im going to ditch the Sustanon (sust) after week 15 and 16-18 I am going to run prop.
I am debating running DBol for the last 3 weeks of this cycle or running Tren A for 6 weeks, I think I am going to choose one or the other. If I choose tren, I will be starting it this week.
After this cycle I think I am going to wait untill next summer at least before I cycle again, so I really want to make this one worth it. I am a little nervouse about recovery from this cycle, because I'm using a substantial amount of gear.
I have a thourough post cycle therapy (pct) planned and I'v been using HCG, and will continue to use it. I just hope coming of goes smooth for me.
thanks for following the log bro's

edit: what BF do I look like I am? Im gonna guess around 12.5%?? It's real hard for me to tell. I have very little fat on my limbs, my back has none, but I seem to have a pouch around my bottom abs that I can't get rid of, that I really notice when I am sitting. BTW I only do cardio once or twice a week. Im not gonna lie I am a slacker when it comes to that shit.
I need more sex in my life, and it'd be good if the broads could keep up with me cause that's usually my cardio replacement :doggy:
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I dont see no titties, I went through this whole fucking 4 page bull shit and seen no titties ??? I thought you were growing titties ?? I am so dissapointed... lmao. Looking good bro I dont see no real gyno in the last pic the other 2 were sorta puffy nipples but eh no titties ..
I dont see no titties, I went through this whole fucking 4 page bull shit and seen no titties ??? I thought you were growing titties ?? I am so dissapointed... lmao. Looking good bro I dont see no real gyno in the last pic the other 2 were sorta puffy nipples but eh no titties ..

sorry you were dissapointed with my tits bro!
I guess Ill just up the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Test and drop my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just for you JJ! Ill throw on a bra at the end of the cycle for ya also lol :gay:
^^^^ yes I finally scored, ha.......... Could nt get no where with blondie bombshell so I moved the fuck on , just joking blondie , lol
DAY 64- today is start of week 10

WEIGHT: Weighed in at 182 today, gained another pound. makes total 7 pounds so far, and I am really leaning out nicely! I am going to try get to about 185, maybe 190 if I can. I'm going to get as lean as I can from here on out through the summer.

VASCULARITY: Since starting TBol my vascularity is just on a whole nother level. Veins going crazy in my shoulders, top of my pecs, traps, forearms, 2 new bicep veins.. gave my arms a good shave today, just so I could see those veins pumpin.

STRENGTH: Strength has skyrocketed this week. All weights are feeling light to me. Broke my pull-up record today, and my pull-down's have went up by 30lbs in the last 2 weeks!!
I curled the 60's today for 5 reps each hand, 2 weeks ago it was 50's for 6 reps.
My bench hasn't went up as much, but it's becuase of an old shoulder injury, so Im limited in that area.

SIDES: I'v been real moody lately, very up and down, one minute im on top of the world, the next I really have to control my anger.
I'v got puffy nipples and painful lumps under them..I think it's the start of gyno.
I upped my Aromasin to 25mg ed today and I will reevauluate next week.
also I am still battling the bacne, but I started using tetracycline ointment on it a few days ago, and my bacne seems to be clearing up some, it really doesn't look to bad anymore.
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DAY 66

well...My buddy hit me off with 2 vials of Tren A.
I told myself I wouldn't use this compound untill I had a few more cycles under my belt, but temptation really got the best of me on this one.
soo, yesterday I took my first injection of 50mg Tren. I am starting at 50mg eod and if all goes smooth this week I will bump it to 80mg.
I didn't get any mettallic taste that people talk about, or a cough or anything, but I did have a weird vivid gym..coincidence?? I guess I'll know in a few more days.
The tren is made bu a UGL called Rogue labs incase anyone is interested. There's really no feedback at all on them online that I could find.
Hey bro IDK anything about the tren, how long you gonna run it? And since ur half way through is it worth running it 8 wks or less
Hey bro IDK anything about the tren, how long you gonna run it? And since ur half way through is it worth running it 8 wks or less

Well there's 8 weeks left to the cycle. I am going on a cruise begginging of June, and I planned on running it untill then, which would make it for a total of 6 weeks. Depending on how I feel I may go 8 weeks with it, but I want to see how I feel after 6 first.
Its tren acetate, not enanthate, so It is a real short acting ester kind of like propionate. So most people will say 6 weeks is all you need on it, especally for a first time user.
DAY 71- start of week 11

WEIGHT: Weighed in at 179 today..Fucking dropped 3 pounds since last week..weird since I started tren too, and haven't changed a thing diet wise.
Im taking in around 3500 cals a day now, and I guess my body is telling me that's just not gonna cut it.
I will be upping to 4500 this week

VASCULARITY: My vascualrity is looking really good. I credit that to the TBol.

STRENGTH: Hard to tell how my strength was this week. I wrenched my low back at work the day after I started tren, and haven't been able to go heavy, so I played with baby weights this week. My strength is way up from day 1 though.

SIDES: Still feeling very irritable. Mood is still up and down, I wake up happy, and the next minute I want to fuck someone up, and then the next minute I want to appoligize. My hormones must be really out of wack at this point, and I'm hoping this shit goes away soon.

- Im on day 7 of the tren, and I don't notice anything yet. No good sides, no bad sides..pretty much nothing so far. Very weird that I dropped a few pounds as well.
I really wish I was able to lift heavy this week, so I would have gotten a better judge. Hopefully when I go back to lifting heavy in a few days, my strength will be through the fucking roof, and I'll credit that to the tren.
Day 73

Got my Letro today, but I haven't started it yet.
I'v been taking 25mg aromasin for the last few days, so Im going to give it another few days before I use the Letro. I'd rather not use it if I could avoid it, but It feels better having it on hand now.

Tried to up the weight today and failed horribly. I thought by now the tren woulda given me some strength gains (day 9), so I tried to up the weight and I had to come back down.
Weird Im really not feeling or noticing anything from it.. Gonna keep shooting it though, and hopefully I notice something soon. Im at 70mg EOD
DAY 75

I took my first dose of letro today. I took .5mg and will do that twice a week. I thought this route with the letro will be better than blasting myself with a high dose, because I could really do without the libido drop off.
Hopefully 1mg a week will be enough to keep my estro in check and stop the lumps under my nips from getting worse, and at the same time allow me to keep fucking like a champ.

I had the strongest chest workout I'v ever had tonight. I went very heavy, and I felt real comfortable with the weight.
I don't know if it is coinceidnce or not, but this is the 11th day of Tren A, so we'll see in the next few days If I can keep gaining.
banged out the 95's for 6 reps on incline DB press tonight. Heaviest I'v ever went, and I felt fucking amazing. My ego got shattered pretty fast though, when I was leaving and I saw a kid about half my size squatting the same weight I do (shit! I gotta work my legs harder!)

So far I haven't noticed any negative side affects from the tren, and I really hope my gains tonight were because of it.

Also thought id add that this cycle is really changing the way my body looks. I am only a few pounds heavier than when I started, and only a little bit leaner, maybe 1% 1.5%, But I look very different. My traps have grown tremendously, they almost overpower the rest of me. I look as if my torso and waist is a shitload skinnier, even though it measures the same. I'v got much more of a V-shape going on, and my front lat spread looks good for the first time ever.
I am happy with the way I am looking, and everyone I know accuses me of juicing, and I love it!
DAY 77- Start of week 12

doesn't feel like 11 weeks already passed. This is really flying by.

I weighed in at 180lbs today, and I can't beleive how light I am.
People are saying wow what are you weighing??? 200? 205?

I look WAYY bigger than my weight says.
Hard to beleive Im only 5 pounds heavier than when I started this cycle. I really feel like Im topped out at this weight, and I can't get past it. I don't want to go crazy on the fats, and dirty foods with summer around the corner and all. My ultimate goal is about 195, so I think it's gonna have to wait untill next go around to reach that goal.

Anyways here's a back shot from today, and you'll see what I mean about looking bigger than 180.
keep it up brotha. i know what u mean by looking bigger than what your weight indicates.

i gained about 11-13 lbs. off my cycle and i definitely packed on some serious size. i didnt explode or anything but everyone notices a difference. dont let the weight numbers mess with your head.
You are looking good bro. Any updates on the tren? I'l be getting myself some soon, and we'll be on the same train!
thanks man,
to be honest, not really noticing anything too much.
I had an amazing chest workout a few days ago, and then an awesome strong shoulder w/o too, but legs yesterday, and back today felt weaker, so it's hard to tell.
So far I haven't noticed any thing appearance wise. (maybe a little bit more vascular, but hard to tell)
I havent experienced any negative sides that most talk about, which is a good thing I guess.

I also bumped the dose to 100mg EOD yesterday, and will finish these 2 vials at this dose.